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Overflowing the skimmer ain't that big of a deal, we all do it! But as far as getting a big fluffy and puffy LPS the two most important things are flow and light. Too much flow and they will not open fully. And LPS shrink in high light and expand and reach in lower light. So I always put them down low and project more of my flow towards the top of the tank where the SPS live. Like life in general it's always about "balance". And if you overfeed your fish just a bit then the LPS are always happy for the residuals. And be sure to check your params as LPS dig a lot of mg. I have found that feeding my tank with a mixture of frozen vitamin infused Mysis or Brine such as the Hikari brand in the green pack combined with Rod's does a great job feeding the whole tank. Get a great feeding response from the brains including my Scolymia which sometimes do not respond as well as other brain corals.


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I've got the flow set up for them...working on lighting. I'm slowing ramping the lights up to try to make everything happy. Only using the gyre so the top of the tank gets the most flow. I do feed the vitamin enriched hikari foods.

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