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Low Magnesium

Dan H

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So over the past few days, we had 1 new SPS frag have a little STN, an older frag that never seemed happy have a little STN, and our Sunset Monti have a little bit of bleaching in streaks. Obviously this was cause for alarm so I tested all the params, and the only thing really notable was the magnesium has dropped down to 1170ppm - Previous reading was 1395 on August 22. Not a catastrophe but certainly too low. The interesting thing is that the Alk is Ok at 8.0dKH.

We did a fairly sizable water change last weekend, but we have a calcium reactor so theoretically our Ca/Mg/Alk should be reasonably maintained just with that.

I guess I may have to supplement my Mg for a bit to bring it back up.

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Generally you will have to dose Mg when you run a CaRX unless you add a Mg supplement such as NeoMag into the reactor to melt along with the CaRX media.

You will also notice a higher depletion rate of Mg if you have a lot of coralline algae, that's why I go against the grain and actually dislike coralline algae in my system.

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Yeah, the coralline is growing quite fast right now...

It's interesting that it dropped so quickly.

Thanks for the tip on the NeoMag... Ordered. :) I also ordered a big ole bucket of Mag supplement. Looks like I'll have to dose it back up then maintain it with the reactor.

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Just a quick update on this... Magnesium for dosing arrived yesterday and began dosing. Mg is already back up to 1215 as of this AM. An interesting (but not entirely unpredictable) side affect is my alkalinity consumption already accelerated! In 1 day! Dosing started last night, and by this morning my Alk had dropped enough overnight that I had to bump up the calcium reactor effluent after I had already turned it up yesterday. Cool! Hopefully this means all the SPS are happier and building more skeleton. Now I just hope the 3 SPS that got pissed off recover.

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1 wasn't draining as fast as the ATO pumps water in, so it had the possibility of overflowing. 2 seems to be able to drain at the same rate.

To build the SUPER-high tech Dan ATO dosing system, or DATO for short (patent pending).

  1. Go to Rudy's and order some good BBQ. I highly recommend the moist brisket. Make sure to get a soft-drink.
  2. Enjoy the BBQ. Drink your drink.
  3. Remember to bring your drink home.
  4. Wash your cup.
  5. Drill holes in the cup.
  6. Shove tubes you have laying around into holes.
  7. Profit.
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Another update...

The DATO (patent pending) is performing well. Yesterday the Mg dropped a little to 1200, so I put in an extra scoop and this morning it is up to 1230. But, here's the crazy part... I've increased the effluent of the CaRx 2 days in a row, and it still wasn't keeping up with the Alk consumption. Yesterday morning the Alk was 8.16 and this morning it was down to 7.52!

Alk = blue

Mg = green


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When's the last time you topped off media in the CaRX? How are you increasing your effluent? By increasing the flow out of the reactor or by dropping the pH in the system?

I've found as your mass of alk/Ca uptaking corals increases in your system, I've had to generally tweak my pH levels in my reactor (I never change my effluent flow) about once/month and then at about the 6-month mark, top off my media in the CaRX and slightly bump my pH levels back up since I have a lot more media to work with again.

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I have the Apex keep the pH between 6.5 and 6.7 then adjust the output of the effluent flow as necessary. I bought a digital flowmeter so I can adjust it pretty accurately now. There is still a ton of media in the reactor, probably 75% full.

It's still not pushing anywhere near what you are, keep in mind my corals are all still frag sized, so the effluent is only running at 0.05L/min which is basically just shy of a full stream coming out.

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I have the Apex keep the pH between 6.5 and 6.7 then adjust the output of the effluent flow as necessary. I bought a digital flowmeter so I can adjust it pretty accurately now. There is still a ton of media in the reactor, probably 75% full.

It's still not pushing anywhere near what you are, keep in mind my corals are all still frag sized, so the effluent is only running at 0.05L/min which is basically just shy of a full stream coming out.

Man, you get all the cool toys! I want a digital flowmeter! I'll just have to wait and see how much Neptune plans to charge for theirs before I make any moves. Fortunately, my new/used MTC CaRX has a flowmeter installed so I can at least look at my rubber ball floating in the glass.. it's not digital though so I lose cool points there. doh.gif

If you are using a standard solenoid to cut/turn on flow of the CO2 for your system, I'd highly recommend tuning the system without the solenoid first and then once the bubble rate is spot on, turn the solenoid back on as insurance for it getting above or below your pH level. I've had 4 solenoids go out on me over the course of 4 years... they really only last about a year for me. My saving grace is when it goes out... my bubble count is close enough that my alk level doesn't skyrocket or drop when the solenoid doesn't work anymore. Just a CaRX guy looking out for another CaRX guy. Haha.

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Neptune is coming out with one? Dang... Looks like I'll be buying another toy at some point. I just bought a little junky digital flowmeter on ebay...

Yeah, my first solenoid started to have some issues when it was open for long periods of time - I think it would overheat then close which was a problem because the Apex thought it was already open. So I upgraded to that uber regulator/solenoid everyone and their sister says is the best on the market... The CarbonDoser! I have it set pretty slow so it would have a hard time going nuts on the reactor if it did get stuck open. Plus the Apex would let me know theoretically.

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Neptune is coming out with one? Dang... Looks like I'll be buying another toy at some point. I just bought a little junky digital flowmeter on ebay...

Yeah, my first solenoid started to have some issues when it was open for long periods of time - I think it would overheat then close which was a problem because the Apex thought it was already open. So I upgraded to that uber regulator/solenoid everyone and their sister says is the best on the market... The CarbonDoser! I have it set pretty slow so it would have a hard time going nuts on the reactor if it did get stuck open. Plus the Apex would let me know theoretically.

Oh yeah, that carbon doser is awesome. I picked up a used one myself! So do you just have the Apex turn it on/off if it goes past your set limits for pH? Mine hasn't drifted more than +/- 0.02 since I put it online. I did set my pH limits to have it turn off if my pH is below 6.65 but that hasn't happened.
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I have the Apex turn it on/off if it goes beyond limits (6.5 and 6.7). I'm still dialing it, after that the Apex shouldn't have to do much work... but not quite there yet.

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No problem! Actually, this is serving as a good primer. And I think it shows that we can go through 2 of the common ways to "tune" them. I can go over the static pH method and Ty can go over how he does the static effluent method.

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Sounds like some good meeting fun! Jim, the Calcium Reactor primer will be at Dan's this Saturday. For the January meeting I'll be hosting, I'll be covering the basics of keeping SPS for those interested and may throw in a live dipping "how-to" demonstration for SPS.

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Doh! The DATO had a design flaw. There was not enough water volume to dissolve the magnesium properly so some magnesium fell on to my Montiporas and burnt them. Boo!


So I redesigned it and think this will work much better. Substantially more water volume, and now it drains into the return so it should get mixed up well.


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