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Paranoid dipping?

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's time! I'll be doing my first round of dips tonight and follow up with 2 more dips each following week for a total of 3 dips in 3 weeks.

Step 1, dislodge all corals from rock and prep them for easy dipping. Put small frags on plugs so they don't roll around and burn each other.




Step 2, let the dipping begin!


Dip 1

Bayer dip - pour until its milky white in container of tankwater (never been able to overdose it), leave for 10 mins, then shake each coral really hard in solution to dislodge any pests. Use gloves!



Dip 2

Interceptor dip - 1/2 tablet (exact dosage not important for dip, can be up to 100x recommended dose with ill effect). Crush up tablet, combine with hot RO/DI water to mix and dissolve thoroughly, then add to tankwater in container. Dip acros for 30-60 mins.



Dip 3

Potassium dip - 2 teaspoons of KCl (potassium chloride... Can be found as water softener pellets at Home Depot) per gallon of water. Will raise solution roughly 1200 ppm of Potassium to a total of 1600 ppm (most teef tanks are at 400 ppm already), causing flatworms to fly off coral and all animals to die. Dip for 30 mins. This one is the harshest dip out of the 3 as the other two hardly even bother the acros.

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Thank you for the mad scientist meniacal laughter Jolt, I had forgotten to include it.

Isaac, you'll at least know my corals were dipped going in and dipped while in the tank, I'll let everyone take care of the dip going out. I can't do everything! Haha.

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(also, you realize, this thread makes my recharging DI resin thread not so crazy anymore, dr jekyll.)

Nah, I think it's still crazy. [emoji12] DI resin is like $20/year for me. If I could pay $20 for someone to dip all my corals for me and guarantee no more pests annually, I'd be cracking open that wallet in a heartbeat. Take my money!
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hell, just today my DI started reading 1 TDS. friggin construction around here is killin me. this batch is maybe 6 weeks old now? (20-30gal changes a week). The pre-DI side is FABULOUS however.... after installing permeate pump, 6 TDS after RO membrane.

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hell, just today my DI started reading 1 TDS. friggin construction around here is killin me. this batch is maybe 6 weeks old now? (20-30gal changes a week). The pre-DI side is FABULOUS however.... after installing permeate pump, 6 TDS after RO membrane.

Remind me what part of town are you in again?
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round rock, off 1431. precisely in between the new DDI (its growing on me) and the messed up "continuous flow" crap at parmer/1431 (pretty sure they tapped the large supply line a few times here).... also, new subdivision down the road.

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The good:

Everything made it through the dip just fine.

The bad:

It took me 4hrs to complete and I used 28 gals of freshly made saltwater, 1/2 a tablet of interceptor, 24 teaspoons of KCl, and about 1/6 a bottle of Bayer insecticide... Not to mention 5 pairs of nitrile gloves.



The ugly:

I had one casualty...


RIP my little grabber. [emoji30]

Dip 1 of 3... Check. I'll see you in a week.

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