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I think chedda is a joke Matt. The chaeto not looking so good is not. It definitely is not happy from the looks of the video. You may want to try different lighting or try better flow. Again, hard to tell because it won't me go fullscreen with it.

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Ok sorry but if people saw my post from a while ago I have tried everything. High flow. Low flow. High light. Low light. Nothing's working. And it always used to be so healthy.

As far as the joke I wont get butt hurt about it even tho it's not funny because people trust others opinions and knowledge and false info from multiple sources in on the joke could cause confusion and have caused a tank tear down. But like I said. Not butt hurt I like jokes as much as the next guy. The next joke should be holding a pillow over grandma and when she starts flailing say gotcha! ;) haha

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Looks to me like a Lungbia spp. cyanobacteria, one of the clean water cyano that can show up in tanks. Even if your chaeto feels like it's in good health, feels fairly stiff and kinda bounces back when squeezed, you should replace it as it's the only way to get rid of the cynao growing on it. If it is a Lungbia spp. you need to be ready to aggresively siphon out any you see in your tank as it probably will show up elsewhere now. When I see it it usually takes about 2-4 months to work through the cycle, the more aggresivley you siphon it out the shorter the cycle. If you just leave it it can kill corals as it will release toxins into the water. Running carbon will help but siphoning it out frequently is critical.

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Thank you timfish. This is very helpful and appreciated! My next question would be the effect of having no cheato in my tank after having it for 8 months. Will pH swing more at night? And such

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Good question. I suspect you could detect some variation in pH but you should be seeing variation throughout the day anyway. What would surprise me is if you saw a noticable and significant drop in the minimum daily average. You should also be able to find some from somebody pretty quickly to replace what you've removed.

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Good question. I suspect you could detect some variation in pH but you should be seeing variation throughout the day anyway. What would surprise me is if you saw a noticable and significant drop in the minimum daily average. You should also be able to find some from somebody pretty quickly to replace what you've removed.

I had a ton of that stuff at the Fall Frag swap Matt. I'm all out of any useable amount but I'm sure someone on the club has some to give you.

Medium flow with a shop light from HD will usually work for lighting. Go for the more yellow bulb.

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