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Maybe a cucumber?


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Just noticed this for the first time. I'm guessing it's a cucumber but I don't have any in the tank that I know of. I did just add a rock to the display that's been in my sump all along, and a ball of chaeto full of critters from FarmerTy's tank. (Are you breeding cucumbers now Ty?) Would you all agree that's what it is? The body is red but I don't think it shows in any pics I managed to get. It's pretty deep into the tank.


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What the!?!?!

If you poke it, does it retract? It looks like a small cucumber to me... and no way do I have filter feeding cucumbers, just the type that eat the sand. But if it came with my chaeto.. then I want it back! whistle.gif

What do your sand eating ones look like? The mouth, I mean. I haven't poked it yet, hadn't thought to do that. Do you have any red ones?

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Yes, I have red ones but the mouth parts look totally different from those. They are more thick, vascular like, with a radial flower-like appendage that unfolds on the ends.

This is even more weird now, lol. I wonder where it came from? Saltwater tanks are SO cool! I've also found teeny worms with hard tubes on the rock, that have red fans that come out, maybe 2mm diameter. So neat. I wish I could get a pic of those.
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I have a good amount of those in my tank, as well as the soft tube version of them with tan fans.

It's always the variety of life you find that's always interesting. As long as they don't try to kill your livestock, kill you, or take over your tank. Lol.

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That almost looks like a sea apple to me. Kind of hard to tell for sure. The lovely thing about live rock is all the critters that show up on it over time. Even months after buying rock, whatever eggs or babies were in the rock will start to emerge or get big enough to notice over time. My guess is it was small and stayed out of sight until now.

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That almost looks like a sea apple to me. Kind of hard to tell for sure. The lovely thing about live rock is all the critters that show up on it over time. Even months after buying rock, whatever eggs or babies were in the rock will start to emerge or get big enough to notice over time. My guess is it was small and stayed out of sight until now.

That was my first thought, that it's red like a sea apple but the colors aren't quite as intense, but maybe it's still young? I started dosing phytoplankton a while ago, with my dosing pump, so it's getting a tiny bit several times a day. I wonder if that has something to do with all these interesting creatures popping up all of a sudden. And feeding Rod's food too. Everything in my tank goes nuts over that stuff.
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