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Fishypant message me stating that he was getting kicked out of his house. He told me to come get all his live stock all his acro and all his fish including GEM tang , along with all the equipment , So what I do ? I speed 100mph to go grab coolers and airator to house the fish and corals ,

Following the address it took me to Taylor cementary and no houses near by !

Reading from the convosation he said his wife smashed his phone then he said he got kicked out and said he need to call his wife. But he just said his wife smashed his phone !

So I take a look a his profile and sure enough his account was made 2 hours ago and only 1 post !

What a childish prank , who the hell does that here , seriously need to grow up like what the heck I done ?

Attaching picture of our convo,


Most of the time it to good to be freaking true . I'm posting this so everyone can be aware that such childish people on here have nothing better to do but to do this . I just didn't expect it to be on ARC,

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Usually the account has an ip address logged. See if it matches anyone else's account on here.

It sounds like you ticked someone off and this is the revenge. I agree, very childish. Sorry this happened to you.[/quoted

I have done nothing to anyone on here to pissed then off I hope someone can route that account by the IP address

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I'm sorry this happened.

Rather than posting publicly in the future please contact any of the mods or myself and we'll handle the matter from there. This member has been suspended and his IP Address added to our banned list.

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Unfortunately it is too easy to create many aliases on easy to create email accounts and route thru sites that hide the correct IP address. May not be able to trace them, but thanks for the heads up for us all to be on the look out for other similar scams from this abuser or others who may copy cat. I ALWAYS request to negotiate and relay thru texting once the initial contact is made on the message board. This always stops scammers as they NEVER will give up a cell number. This is why the scammer used the "wife smashed my phone" gimmick. I buy a lot on CL also and use this as part of my security mode, as there is a lot of BS on this site. I will reply initially by email but then require buyer or seller to text after that. And be sure to always meet in a busy place with lots of cameras as you never want to bring cash to a non secure location. iiam.gif

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Though I caution to be careful too, I've been a member on here since 2007 and I've hardly had any bad experiences with other members. I'd like to give credit where credit is due to the good people that are a part of this club.

Just check the post count and be wary if it's a newly created account in the future.

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That's crazy. Other than revenge, what would be the motivation for this? They gain nothing for this other than feeling like jerks. Sorry this happened, at least we can all be aware that this is a possibility and we can all approach these messages with caution.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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It could have been an attempt to get him out of the house so it could be robbed, dangle something to good to be true in front of them and have them go on a wild goose chase while they come in and clean house.

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I'm glad in a way this happened and I couldn't disagree more that something of this nature be kept private.

Luckily it all had a marginally happy ending. Vincent's house wasn't robbed. He wasn't mugged or worse yet hurt or killed. The only thing he is out is some gas and some time.

The upside is the community is having a good conversation about safely meeting with new people.

I won't meet with anyone unless I have spoken with them on the phone or if they are a known member. If they give me a weird vibe I'll elect to meet them somewhere others than my home or their house.

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I don't think that keeping it private would be a good thing at all, unless ARC was going to put out a quick announcement that someone is trying to possibly scam us.

It's not like if someone told me "OMG COME GET ALL MY LIVESTOCK FOR FREE", that I wouldn't also jump on the opportunity.

So it's best that we do know that something like this is going on, just in case it's not an isolated incident.

While Vincent wasn't hurt or robbed like has been suggested, thankfully, it certainly was a possibility.

It would be much easier to robb someone on the club that you know has $$XYZ$$ in corals, rather than hitting a LFS.

People are inherently evil.

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I'm glad in a way this happened and I couldn't disagree more that something of this nature be kept private.

Luckily it all had a marginally happy ending. Vincent's house wasn't robbed. He wasn't mugged or worse yet hurt or killed. The only thing he is out is some gas and some time.

The upside is the community is having a good conversation about safely meeting with new people.

I won't meet with anyone unless I have spoken with them on the phone or if they are a known member. If they give me a weird vibe I'll elect to meet them somewhere others than my home or their house.

Most importantly, Vincent is safe and only out the frustration and time of the situation. Our member's safety is my highest concern.

The reason I said he should have kept it private was for a few reasons. If he hadn't immediately publicly notified the user (and club) then I could have used more of the server tools to track logins and IP Addresses for the user, giving me more opportunity to identify who the culprit was. He could have continued communication through the site via PM since the other person was refusing to use their phone. In this situation my options were limited to banning the account (mostly ineffective) and blocking the IP Addresses used by the offender (more effective, but still limited since they can connect at different places). The moderators and I were watching this situation from the minute Vincent posted it and if there was any perceptible threat to club members we would have immediately broadcast a warning as well as notifying the appropriate authorities.

This thread still exists for exactly the reasons you mention and to promote conversation about it.

As it was we were able to quickly identify the owner of the IP Address (a business) and to identify an existing member's account that also used that IP Address (apparently they log in from work). I then messaged that individual.

Vincent has told me that he has talked to that member and that there was some kind of issue with that member's account. The explanation didn't make a lot of sense to me, but the account belonged to a friend of his, and Vincent has said that "Everything is Ok".

My concern is that, due to Vicent's post, many members became alarmed. Despite that, I'm glad the topic came up because it is an unsafe world we live in and we can all use the occasional reminder to not be complacent and to practice being safe as much as possible.

We are ALWAYS open to members discussing ways to safely meet other members, talking about best practices when swapping, etc. Sharing ideas on how to meet in safe ways and with sufficient precautions is a great topic.

That said, we do have rules against flaming other users. I do not want members here bashing each other if a digit in an address gets transposed, etc. The proper way to handle it is to first involve the moderators and me to determine what actions the club needs to take. In this particular case I'm unclear whether this was a practical joke one member played on another or if, as it's been said, the offending member's "account was hacked". That explanation doesn't make much sense to me. Either way, when threads specifically mention another member then we reserve the right to enforce club and forum rules.

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