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It was nice seeing everyone at the frag swap but there were many that couldn't make it. How has everyone been? Let's see those tanks and a brief sentence on what's been going on. My tank has had its ups and downs but everything has been stable and I haven't lost anything this year so that's a plus.


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I'm a total noob to the hobby and the board but thoroughly enjoyed the frag swap and getting to put faces to names. I recently transplanted my nano to this Mr. Aqua 12 Long (with sump) and am having a bit of a diatom bloom as a result, but here's a view on corals and fish. Haven't killed anything yet (except a Turbo I forgot about in the transfer).


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It was nice seeing everyone at the frag swap but there were many that couldn't make it. How has everyone been? Let's see those tanks and a brief sentence on what's been going on. My tank has had its ups and downs but everything has been stable and I haven't lost anything this year so that's a plus.


Looking good! It was nice to see you. Is that your sea apple in the front? If so, awesome job keeping one for so long!!



The tank is 151 gallons and has been running for a year now I think. At the swap I bought my first corals to add. All the others were there from my previous tanks. It's been doing great after going through all the regular algae cycles and all that new tanks get.

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Not sure I've ever posted before, but here's my 29 gallon tank I direly need more room in. A lot of my coral looks particularly angry tonight as opposed to in this pic yesterday, so heres to hoping I didn't capture it right before a huge downfall...


Angry? What happened to make them angry? Your tank looks great. You've got a couple spaces here and there left for frags.

Upgrade in the future?

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Not sure I've ever posted before, but here's my 29 gallon tank I direly need more room in. A lot of my coral looks particularly angry tonight as opposed to in this pic yesterday, so heres to hoping I didn't capture it right before a huge downfall...


Angry? What happened to make them angry? Your tank looks great. You've got a couple spaces here and there left for frags.

Upgrade in the future?

Idk, I hope I didnt get anything in the tank. This pic was two days ago and today everything was all shriveled up. I do direly need an upgrade, I just got a 3 gallon pico I cant wait to try and get some kind of crazy either zoa or mushroom tank in!

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Hmmm, always something going on with my tank. Idle hands they say...

DI started registering 1 TDS and I swapped it immediately... Still enough time to start off some good cyano on the left side of the tank. It usually goes away quickly though.

Added more biopellets to see if I could depress my phosphate level with just biopellets again and run without GFO but that was a bust. Added GFO back to the system and got a little STN on some corals but nothing a little superglue couldn't stop.

Got a free purple tang from on old ARC member that decided to go with seahorses. Got to do some good trimming of colonies and made some space in the frag rack with the Fall Frag Swap.

Opened up my LEDs and started removing the 90 degree optics from the red and green LEDs so that they are natively 120 degrees and the light would be more dispersed on those colors. Nobody needs a spotlight of green or red in their tank.

Removed as much chaeto as I could from my sump. It was getting all over the frags and what not.

Contemplating borrowing a copperband butterfly to eradicate the fan worms in my sump. They would be highly beneficial in a refugium but since my frags are in there, I'd rather not have them as they start covering my frags.

Added a new giant CaRX and trying to get it to play nice. It's not going well so far but once I get my peristaltic pump online to pull a steady effluent rate,I think I'll be golden.

Here's an updated FTS I took a couple weeks back.


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Hmmm, always something going on with my tank. Idle hands they say...

DI started registering 1 TDS and I swapped it immediately... Still enough time to start off some good cyano on the left side of the tank. It usually goes away quickly though.

Added more biopellets to see if I could depress my phosphate level with just biopellets again and run without GFO but that was a bust. Added GFO back to the system and got a little STN on some corals but nothing a little superglue couldn't stop.

Got a free purple tang from on old ARC member that decided to go with seahorses. Got to do some good trimming of colonies and made some space in the frag rack with the Fall Frag Swap.

Opened up my LEDs and started removing the 90 degree optics from the red and green LEDs so that they are natively 120 degrees and the light would be more dispersed on those colors. Nobody needs a spotlight of green or red in their tank.

Removed as much chaeto as I could from my sump. It was getting all over the frags and what not.

Contemplating borrowing a copperband butterfly to eradicate the fan worms in my sump. They would be highly beneficial in a refugium but since my frags are in there, I'd rather not have them as they start covering my frags.

Added a new giant CaRX and trying to get it to play nice. It's not going well so far but once I get my peristaltic pump online to pull a steady effluent rate,I think I'll be golden.

Here's an updated FTS I took a couple weeks back.


Ty, why did you remove the optics from the red and green?? What happens when there's a green and/or red spotlight???

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

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Hmmm, always something going on with my tank. Idle hands they say...

DI started registering 1 TDS and I swapped it immediately... Still enough time to start off some good cyano on the left side of the tank. It usually goes away quickly though.

Added more biopellets to see if I could depress my phosphate level with just biopellets again and run without GFO but that was a bust. Added GFO back to the system and got a little STN on some corals but nothing a little superglue couldn't stop.

Got a free purple tang from on old ARC member that decided to go with seahorses. Got to do some good trimming of colonies and made some space in the frag rack with the Fall Frag Swap.

Opened up my LEDs and started removing the 90 degree optics from the red and green LEDs so that they are natively 120 degrees and the light would be more dispersed on those colors. Nobody needs a spotlight of green or red in their tank.

Removed as much chaeto as I could from my sump. It was getting all over the frags and what not.

Contemplating borrowing a copperband butterfly to eradicate the fan worms in my sump. They would be highly beneficial in a refugium but since my frags are in there, I'd rather not have them as they start covering my frags.

Added a new giant CaRX and trying to get it to play nice. It's not going well so far but once I get my peristaltic pump online to pull a steady effluent rate,I think I'll be golden.

Here's an updated FTS I took a couple weeks back.


Ty, why did you remove the optics from the red and green?? What happens when there's a green and/or red spotlight???

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

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Is that all Ty? Seems like you are slacking a little ...

What he probably isn't telling us is that that was all done in some ridiculously short period of time, like a day or something.

Nah, it was all this morning! whistle.gif

Okay, not really but fun to say.

JGon - I removed the optics because they were 90 degree optics on the Ocean Revive units. It's great for penetration into deeper tanks but with green and red LEDs, my preference is to have them at their native 120 degrees (without any optics) so that the greens and reds are more diffused instead of a spotlight. Green and red can sometimes enhance macro algae growth and the spotlight was noticeable on some of my corals as well, but that's purely a coloration preference.

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