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Salinity not elevating


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Hey all,

I transferred my 12g nano into a different 12g nano with a 17g sump/fuge on Saturday, but to my total disbelief my salinity has not changed - at all. Every day for three days, it's registering at 1.024, every time. I've got an ATO I need to set up but I've been waiting for the system to stabilize so I can place it when things have hit a predictable point. The sump seems to have lost some water to evaporation but my salinity isn't changing. Anyone know how this could happen? I did add a few new frags from the swap on Saturday evening, and threw some healthy chaeto in the new sump.

Edit: No skimmer either

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Edited by pabloescolar
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If anyone has a rec on preferred brand for reliability or an extra to sell post away. I'd rather not crash this tank out of the gate (or, ever)

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I've been very happy with my Vee Gee STX-3 got it from Amazon

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I still use a cheap marine depot one. They're about $40 new, but I occasionally see them in BST forum for $20 - $25 or so. Also, good idea to use 1.026 calibration fluid instead of RO/distilled when possible. Not a big deal for just a quick check but if you want good accuracy, calibrating to the approximate level you are measuring is way more accurate than calibrating to zero.

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I still use a cheap marine depot one. They're about $40 new, but I occasionally see them in BST forum for $20 - $25 or so. Also, good idea to use 1.026 calibration fluid instead of RO/distilled when possible. Not a big deal for just a quick check but if you want good accuracy, calibrating to the approximate level you are measuring is way more accurate than calibrating to zero.

+1 I use the Marine Depot one as well

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Check in:

I am potentially leaving for New Orleans tomorrow for about five days. I had intended to have my ATO set up at this point and to have my roommate handle a couple feedings while I was gone, but she is not familiar enough with this stuff to understand this salinity mystery. Can I trade on time, cash or other value to have someone check in on the tank while I'm gone? I'll gladly return the favor in the future, or compensate in another way that works for you. Salinity is STILL registering 1.024 even though the evap line keeps dropping. I'm about to go to AquaDome for another outside test.

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Aquadome registered 1.025. The lady I talked to said that this isn't really unusual at all, that her 40 doesn't change salinity much at all over the two weeks between water changes.......but she also seemed real annoyed that I was even talking to her. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I guess maybe my expectations for salinity changes from going to 12 to 29 system gallons need to reset.

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How often do y'all check salinity? I have a hydrometer that I maby bust out once a year when I get bored. How does the salinity change that much? I thought it was a set and forget type thing.

The salt does not evaporate with the water so if you are topping off by hand and don't get it to exactly the same night you can have slow changes ontop of the swings caused by the evaporation. Two part will also raise salinity over time. I checked mine atleast once a month typically once a week.

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The biggest error for your system is going to be water change water. If you are buying water from a local fish store you should make sure that the salinity matches your target salinity for your tank with a refractometer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have an ATC refractometer from amazon. Works great. I think was 25$. If you can pick one up in warehouse deals... even better ;)

I use the hydrometer only to make sure WC water is the same between tank and the new water.

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