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Ok sorry for all the questions but yall have helped me a lot so here's where I'm at . My foxface had a few white spots (I'm guessing Ich) so I quarantined him a while back but it was never really an outbreak mainly only in his fins and no more than 10 spots at its worst. I had just bought it and quarantined it when it got sick in my display days after adding. So here's the question do I need to quarantine all my fish? I have a clownfish and a fridmani and neither of them acted sick or got spots and are both healthy . The reason I didn't treat them all is cause I have inverts snails and crabs and shrimp and I would need to quarantine them the clownfish is a big dummy and I could grab him easily by putting food in the aquarium lol. The fridmani on the other hand can fit in every hole in every rock and is super fast i can no way catch it without emptying whole aquarium and dumping water until there was only a few inches and obviously that's not favorable so let me know what yall would do thanks!

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I know most people would recommend quarantining but I've had ich before in freshwater and every fish was sick and died and this was no signs of illness the fox face actually was happier with ich in display than in quarantine healthy and no other fish show symptoms so I'm not 100 % sure it was inch has anyone heard of anything like this?

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I quarantine most fish I get depending on where I get them from. If its from a store, I quarantine for a bit each time, if it's from a persons tank, generally you're safe. Some people just do a freshwater dip on each fish prior to adding them. It really depends on the initial appearance and health of the fish in question.

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If you are asking whether or not you should take healthy fish out of your display and put them in quarantine then the answer is no. If they are healthy there is no reason to remove them. If the foxface is in quarantine and is indeed infected with ich then you will most likely also infect your healthy fish by placing them in the same QT. Keep them fed and happy and chances are that you will have no issues with them in the DT.

My .02

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Ok thank yall yes I will continue to quarantine my fish and hope the ich isn't a common problem with new arrivals I've read on other websites that the second my foxface had spots in my display tank that ich was already in the rocks sand water etc and that even tho the other fish haven't shown signs that all it would take to have ich reappear is to add a stress fish with low immune system and then the parasites in the water would use that and start up again and they said the only option was to remove all fish but if there is an option where I don't have to do that and can keep fish healthy then that is my first choice . Thanks!

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Jolt that is a good idea if I end up having to have no fish in tank for a few weeks I will definitely try that

Juice yeah the weird thing was the fish looked pretty it had been at fish store healthy for a long time and then boom I see spots and it was a shock

Dean that's what I was hoping to hear I didn't like the idea of removing healthy fish from the tank to treat them for a disease they don't have with another sick fish just cause the probability it could be in the water the only thing that would suck is if I quarantine fox face for another 3 weeks and in a month or so there really was Ich in the water and it starts back up and I would have to tear down tank anyway but I'd rather wait and see then take drastic measures

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  • 4 weeks later...

There are so many theories on ich.

If you stress a fish, it can get ich. Some fish are more likely and will randomly get ich even after they have been healthy for some time. I had a hippo for three years that randomly got ich every year around the season changes. He/she is probably still getting ich in the person who took him/her's tank.

In 13+ years, I have learned to trust my gut when I buy a fish. If the fish is healthy, eating, and been at a store longer than a week, I tend to not quarantine as I feel that putting a fish into a sterile environment, with nothing in it for it to swim around and play in, is worse for it than the benefits of that same environment. If it wasn't stressed before, it sure in the heck is gona be. Always best to have an 'extra' tank setup that serves as a quarantine to go into their main tank, that has docile fish in it and fish can easily enough be gotten out (obviously doesn't work with small gobies or hard to capture fish). But for some people, the extra tank thing just isn't possible.

Always feed heavy when introducing a new fish, and know the fish you are putting in works well with the fish you already have.

The quarantine/hospital ten gallon tank seems to be like a death sentence..... avoid imo.

But thats just my .02 :)

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