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SPS dying... Need help

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Hey everyone... It's been a long time since I posted, but I need some help.

I did a water change before going on vacation for two weeks. When I got back everything was fine. I did another water changeand left town for another week. When I got back I found one of the acros that came with the small frag had died. Now my green montipora that was growing like a champ is dying from the inside out.

Temp, salinity, calcium, dKH all look good. I'm planning to do another water change ASAP, but I don't know what's going on here. All other corals and fish look great and I haven't introduced any specimens in about six months.

Pics attached... any ideas?


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Who was taking care of the tank for those two weeks? Is it possible something died like a snail or shrimp? Or perhaps something accidentally overfed or something spilled into the tank? How big were the water changes?

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A neighbor was feeding for 2 weeks then my wife. Over feed is possible, but she put in 1 pinch of NLS pellets once a day. Water change is 20%.

I've got tons of snails and a few crabs. No shrimp. These corals made it through a few fish deaths in the past, so I don't think it's an ammonia spike. I have some bacteria supplements I can add, but my system is a year old so it should be able to handle some invert decay.

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I do have elevated Po4 and been fighting a bad GHA problem for months now. I've tested my RO water and replacement salt water and changed filters a few times and all read 0.0... The only input I can think of is the NLS pellets. Are they a bad source of phosphates?

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