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SPS are too sensitive!

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A FarmerTy public announcement... SPS are more resilient than most give them credit for...


For those itching to try, just make sure you give them flow, strong lights, stable foundation elements (alk, Ca, Mg), and lower nutrients. They'll take care of themselves for the rest.

Happy reefing! [emoji4]

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We'll see.

I picked up some pretty sticks the other day to try my hand at turning them ghost white as I usually do.

I will however not be checking any parameters other than temp and salinity.




I think the guys at RCA are having a little too much fun with that band saw.

You're a brave man to try a spathulata on your first attempt. Super picky!

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Going tankless is the way to go. Everyone is doing it!

Just think! You won't have to check your parameters or get stood up by like 8 people that say they want to buy your Yellow Millepora, but never show up or answer messages. I mean if you were in that situation...

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Going tankless is the way to go. Everyone is doing it!

Just think! You won't have to check your parameters or get stood up by like 8 people that say they want to buy your Yellow Millepora, but never show up or answer messages. I mean if you were in that situation...

At least you got rid of that acan and ric with no fuss.
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I wonder whose enjoying that tank now Sasha? Hummm...

Going tankless is the way to go. Everyone is doing it!

Just think! You won't have to check your parameters or get stood up by like 8 people that say they want to buy your Yellow Millepora, but never show up or answer messages. I mean if you were in that situation...

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At least you got rid of that acan and ric with no fuss.

Haha Larry, going point! It was great to see many of my fish tank buddies again and I got to meet some great new members. I appreciate everyone that helped me clean out my tank and I hope everyone had as much fun talking shop as I did. I'll be tankless for at least 4-6 months. After that, who knows!

I wonder whose enjoying that tank now Sasha? Hummm...

I hope at least one person! I had almost kept it, but I'm glad that someone will enjoy the tank. It also helps that I won't have to move it to the new house. The fish kind of got the raw end of the stick, but I hope they're all enjoying their new homes.

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First attempt?

I've killed SPS many times before, shouldn't be a problem.

Don't you have some of mine I need to get back, so I can kill those too?

I got your two freebies for the year and one acro that made it from Jeremy's old tank. Come and get it sir.
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I had only tested for Alk in the last 6 months and everything was great. Some people say that Ca and Mg are factors, but I haven't noticed any correlation. Nitrate buildup and PO4 have a big impact on SPS, but you don't need a test to see when these are high!

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At least for me, it entirely comes down to stable alk. Everything else should already be somewhat stable in an established reef tank, alk is the make or break parameter.

I'll say it a million times... you're a reef master when you can hold the alk steady for years at a time. grin.png

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I think we should amend the blanket statement to "acros are too sensitive." I literally cannot kill montipora and stylos no matter what I do. The more things I change and the more frequently I change them, the faster they grow. I am even aggressive with my algae magnet and let it shatter montipora as they get too close to the glass.

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I think we should amend the blanket statement to "acros are too sensitive." I literally cannot kill montipora and stylos no matter what I do. The more things I change and the more frequently I change them, the faster they grow. I am even aggressive with my algae magnet and let it shatter montipora as they get too close to the glass.

I'm sure I could find a pathogen or parasite that will fix that for you, they always seem to find me at least

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Wanted to share these. Hopefully the aggravate some of you every bit as much as they do me. These belong to a friend of mine. Local guy here in college station. Doesn't really do forums. Tank stats. 90 gallon. Oddysea combo 2x250 mh + 4x54 watt t5ho. ATI t5 bulbs, but stock 12k oddysea hqi bulbs, close to 2 years old now. Zero testing. Ever. Guy doesn't own test kits. Zero dosing or ca/alk maintenance. Weekly 5 gallon water changes and topoffs using Walmart vending machine water (culligan) I believe. Miracle mud fuge. No other forms of filtration or reactors of any kind. Small bubble magus skimmer. That's it. Simple simple simple. Tank is 2 years old. Colors are a little drab in some pics under the old 12k bulbs.

But...his ability to grow and recover sick Acros is astounding. I don't know what magic spell he has on his tank, but he has some of the fuzziest PE, and fastest acro growth of any tank I've ever seen in my time in the hobby. It's aggravating lol. Defies every text book rule I know of. Guy can take pieces that are showing horrid stn with little to no tissue left on them and zero PE, and have them fully recovered and several inches of growth in a matter of a few months. Enjoy
















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