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DSA 175 Peninsula Build


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Gets really pale white, color looks flushed.

After the lights dimmed even more I think I saw what you were talking about. His body was a very pale gray looking but the tail, dorsal and anal fins where a very cool reddish color.

He looks like he shld have a football team name

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Hmmm...how about the Round Rock Reefers? punk.gif

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  • 1 month later...

Yep, hating life right now.

Ich in the tank again so a friend came over to help me catch all the fish. It actually went better than I thought. Got the rock back in and stacked nicely. We decided to go grab some food. Something told me to check my phone just as I was finished eating. For some reason the chime for text messages and email wasn't working. 20 min earlier apex told me there was water somewhere it shouldn't have been!!!!! I immediately logged into fusion and turned everything off just in case. Luckily I was only about 5 min away from home.

On a good note, I now know my stand is water proof. Yep, there was a 1/2" of water in it. Sump overflowed!!!!! I hadn't even thought of that happening after stirring everything up in the tank.

You know I'll be checking all of my programming tonight!

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I think so. I got my achillies out a week ago Friday and he's already clear of any signs. I've determined that blue green chromis and blue gudgeon gobies are immune. :-) They went through the same stuff in Dec. and never showed a single sign of it. I heard someone at the meeting on Saturday mention it might be possible to bring ich in on a frag. My guess is that's what may have happened.

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Sorry to hear about that bud. I hope everything goes okay for you. Ich is very hard to prevent over the long term. Any drop of water, frag or fish could carry it in one of it's forms. It's like that movie Jurassic Park, "Nature always finds a way." I thought about trying to prevent Ich in my new tank, but concluded that I didn't want so many tanks to maintain. There might be an easier way, but this was my line of thinking.

You would have to quarantine all of your fish and treat them for parasites. In another tank you would have to quarantine all of your corals for 73 days in a fish free system. Right there you're at a minimum of two QT and one DT. If you put a frag into your coral QT on day 42 then you have to start the timer over again because the new frag could have eggs on it. That might mean running a second coral QT unless you're only buying corals once a quarter. Lastly, you would need to dip all of your equipment or have a different set for each QT. Using the same net or siphon might transfer the parasite from one tank to another.

I've heard of some people using UV sterilizers, but I'm not clear on whether that eliminates Ich from the tank or just reduces the adult population. The sterilizer only kills free floating organisms, but the cysts are attached to rocks and such. I guess if you limit the adults then you'll limit the eggs, but I don't see how it would completely eliminate it unless the tank is small.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, need some help here...I've been keeping alk, cal and mag pretty steady and the few pieces I have right now seemed happy. My testing regimen went out the window when I hurt my knee on the 25th.

Here are the last readings:


Alk - 8.2

Cal - 440

Mag - 1345

June 5

Alk - 8.6

Cal - 400

Mag - 1320

Sal - 1.024

June 9

Alk - 8.9

Cal - 415

Mag - 1290

June 11

Alk - 9.1

Cal - 400

Mag - 1350

Sal - 1.025 (bringing it up on purpose to this reading)

I use a Hanna checker to test phosphorus and that always reads 3-4 or about .01 phosphates.

I've been tweaking the dosage trying to get back to stable again. I've got a plating milli (i think) that started showing signs of bleaching on the tips and thought maybe I moved it up too high so I moved it back down to the sand and 24 hrs later it was totally white. Another milli started looking bleached but it's stopped and shows some PE (bottom pic). In the pics you can see the undata and purple stylo (lights were still ramping so it wasn't at full extension yet) looks completely happy. A sunset monti I got from Ty a while back is doing great and continuing to grow and encrust. The green whatever it is shows signs of the flesh coming off and waving in the flow. I noticed all of this starting around Tues the 7th. Would all this be due to the changes over the last two weeks? Also, remember on the 26th my apex went down at 12:30am and the tank sat for about 13 hrs till I got everything back up and running.





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I'd let your alk start dropping back down to whatever level that it looked happiest before. I fear perhaps that your tank is so new and you have no fish in there that your nutrient levels are so low that you're basically running an ULN system. With ULN systems, its best to keep the alk below 8.0 as you'll end up with burnt tips otherwise.

As I mentioned before, I wouldn't put too much stock in the mille frags that are from maricultures. They have a very low survival rate comparatively to other maricultures so they may not be indicative of any non-suitable conditions in your system. They have a high chance of just dying all by themselves.

What are your nitrate levels?

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