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A jump back into saltwater with Oceanic 30 Gallon


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I did a water change on Saturday and at the same time pulled the pumps ' skimmer and cleaned them in hydrogen peroxide. The treatment has done wonders related to algae. I would say it is for the most part gone. I hope it stays that way.

However I did have one side effect - the cleaner shrimp didn't make it. I haven't seen him over the last day or so - even during feeding time. Never found a body though. The other hermits / snails show no impact.

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I'd be surprised if there's a correlation between hydrogen peroxide and the death of the shrimp. I had one in my tank the entire time I dosed hydrogen peroxide to get rid of dinos and it had no effect on the shrimp. I even doubled the recommended amount of hydrogen peroxide with no issues to the tank. That being said, I have no idea how much peroxide you actually used during each session. The rule for treating dinos is 1ml/10gals of water.

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The rule for treating dinos is 1ml/10gals of water.

This is probably pretty important to mention when talking about using H2O2. I didn't know this and may have killed my candy cane colony. Palys not real happy right now either.

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Palys/zoas will always close up when peroxide is dosed. They typically open up like normal after 30-60 mins. I dosed with a giant colony of kryptonite candy canes with no issues, but kept it below the 1 ml/10gal rule for dosing for dinos.

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I'd be surprised if there's a correlation between hydrogen peroxide and the death of the shrimp. I had one in my tank the entire time I dosed hydrogen peroxide to get rid of dinos and it had no effect on the shrimp. I even doubled the recommended amount of hydrogen peroxide with no issues to the tank. That being said, I have no idea how much peroxide you actually used during each session. The rule for treating dinos is 1ml/10gals of water.

I definitely "trumped" that! With a 30 gallon tank, that would mean 3ml total. I used a 5ml syringe and treated three frags the first day with a full syringe for each one. I then did the same thing with three other frags a couple days later. The next day I then did a 40% water change. So that is roughly 15ml in two different sessions!

Livestock wise I have two onyx clowns, blue legged hermit, red legged hermit, cleaner shrimp and nassarius snails. For corals an assortment of zoos and frogspawn. Everything looks fine however the cleaner shrimp has completely disappeared. I'm a bit shocked not even a piece of the body showed up. I also checked around and under the tank in case he jumped but couldn't find anything.

Just for general knowledge if I need to do this again, the 1ml/10 gals is for what frequency? Is this daily dose or a one time dose?

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I took some time today to try out the Red Sea test kit packages I bought:

Salinity - 1.026

Ca - 400ppm

Mg - >1600 ppm

KH - ~8.2-8.3 dKH

I tried the Nitrate / Phosphate test kits but I cannot figure out the color matching. I also tried the high range portion. I will try to mess around with it again later today if I get the patience ' time!

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It has been a while so decided to update. Nothing new added to tank. Just sticking with water changes every two weeks. I have tried to add 5ml of hydrogen peroxide to the tank daily. I'll be honest I was about to give up related to the algae but the direct dosing and now overall dosing to tank has really helped.

I also moved a couple zoo frags from the top of rock to a lower portion. They seem to have rebounded and look better. I guess they were getting too much light even though it is on low settings (30% blue and 15% white). I need to find something different to put on top of the rock as it is bare now, however needs to be hardy and minimal maintenance.

I will try to post an updated picture tomorrow.

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  • 1 month later...

It has been awhile since the last update...

No real changes related to livestock. I have kept up with the ~30% water changes every two weeks. I still need to look for something to add to the top of the rock...it is pretty bare now as I've moved most zoos down as they weren't very happy at the top with the light.

I'm wondering if any hardy SPS that could flourish in my tank...it would have to be a low maintenance species.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Given C4 was just down the road from us, we squeezed in a trip between birthday parties to take the whole family and check out some frags. Our boys (6 and 8) loved all the different setups and walking from vendor to vendor.

We walked out with three frags to help diversify the tank. My original vision for tank was all zoos but the boys have been getting more involved and wanted to mix it up a bit.

We walked away with some starter SPS with: Green Birdsnest from FarmerTy and grafted montipora cap with green / red (my wife for once was excited about a coral and picked it out). We also walked away with another coral, I believe it is LPS but not entirely sure exact name...after some research looks to be Dragon Soul Favia...just put it at the bottom of tank for now until I get some more understanding of the coral and what lighting / flow it prefers.

We are still discussing the a potential upgrade of our 30 gallon to something that would allow better selection and quantity of fish. The kids are showing more interest each day which is exciting. The goal is still to keep a minimalist approach on maintenance so we will see how this progresses.




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  • 1 month later...

Well, it has been ~1 year since we started our little piece of ocean. Attached are the latest pictures but for some reason I cannot figure out why they're being rotated after upload.

Overall very satisfied with the progress. The tank has been relatively stable. We needed to move a few zoos around due to placement but have shown growth after.

The green bird nest we picked up at C4 has done well. You don't realize the difference until you look back at older pictures.

We are still tossing around the idea of upgrading...we have zeroed in on the Planet Aquariums Crystaline series...hoping the 5ft version becomes available soon. I do have some concern on the rimless stability - if a seam does give way.

I have one more spot at the top needing a frag...thinking about another hard coral to try out.



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Grow little guy, grow! He looks good at the top of the mountain!

The new tank is going to be a lot of fun to get going!

Yes, you don't notice how much it has grown until you look at older pictures. It is exciting to see positive change.

More serious discussions this weekend with the wife. She has fallen overboard given we would need to move the piano as that is really the only spot for 4-6ft tank.

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