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JGon's 20g Long Nano


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The wife asked a big question. I had to be careful in answering this. Here's how the short conversation went down.

Wife : How much money have you invested in the fish tank, like how much have you put into it??

Me: Ummmmm........

Wife: Like three, four hundred bucks??

Me: I think so. Yeah. That sounds about right.

Wife: Oh ok. That's not bad.

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I feel like that is the dread fear of all married reef keepers, that or the significant other doing a Google search for equipment to find out how much it is.
Luckily my wife knows almost nothing about the hobby. She only knows what I've told her and says she just likes looking at the tank. Lol.

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  • 1 month later...

Got an update:

I went to the frag swap on Saturday and picked up the above frags. They are doing great.

On Sunday I stopped by Fishy Business and got some live rock. Been meaning to get some for a while, but had been putting it off. I had a lot of my corals on the bedding and wanted to put them on the rock. Just didn't have enough. So I took advantage of the sale Shane had going on and got a few pounds for a great deal. Filled up the space in the middle section of the tank. More space for corals!!! Wooooooh!!! [emoji16] Haha.





So what I'm doing now is playing around a bit with placement. The after picture was from last night. I moved my two hammers earlier. Just switched them over. They both did fine where they were initially. But I wanted my larger hammer in the middle. We'll see how it works and see if it doesn't mind getting hit with a bit more flow. If it does well, I'll post a picture and see what you guys think.

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Looks like things are going well for you!

Thank you Kim! They sure are. I've been having an on and off battle with GHA. It seems to be under control for now.

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  • 1 month later...

Update time:

So I went on vacation for two weeks and got back last week. I left somebody in charge of watching the tank for me. I told them to only top off and feed the tank. There were no water changes done and nothing was dosed during that time because I didn't want to run the risk of the person really messing something up. So I came home expecting the worst. To my surprise it wasn't too bad. Plenty of gha and some bryopsis. Same day I got back I gave it a good clean and a water change. Fish were fine, but my corals looked, well, neglected. Which was the case being that nothing was done to the tank in two weeks. Thought I lost my hammer (picture in post above this one) because there was nothing left but its skeleton. My alkalinity was really low. So I believe that was the culprit. But, I did notice what looks to be a bunch of baby heads that were doing well. So I decided to leave it in there and not discard it from the tank in hopes that those little heads grow. The tank is looking better now. I got some more goodies at Austin Aqua Farms and a new fish.

Here's my hammer. It looks like the heads want to start coming back out. I came back and it was completely skeleton. It looked like there was nothing left in there. Now it's trying to make a comback. [emoji4]


Also I got this guy to help with the algae. Already getting to work.


New goodies from Austin Aqua Farms.






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  • 3 months later...

Happy Birthday to my reef. It turned one yesterday. I was real busy with both my jobs so I didn't get a chance to post it. I recently had a nitrate spike for some reason, so I'm fighting that right now. Some of my corals aren't looking so great. But here it is after a year. I managed to snap a couple pictures right before going to bed.

March 15, 2015


March 15, 2016



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What a difference! I love that torch, it's really beautiful and it looks like your frogspawn came back, right?

Thanks Kim! It's the bicolor hammer that's behind the torch. It was pretty much nothing but bone when I came back from vacation back in November. It has slowly been making a comeback. I lost a few heads, but there's a lot of baby heads that have been growing well.

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Nice work on the hammer, I am always nervous when I leave town.

I was out of the country for over two weeks. I was expecting the worst when I came back. Thankfully it wasn't too bad. A bunch of algae and what I thought was a dead hammer.

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