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JGon's 20g Long Nano


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Ok. So I finally got around to making my build thread. I'm new to the saltwater scene and have had my tank running for 4.5 months now. I have learned a lot from many of you people on here. I appreciate every single one of you for the advice and help I have received and hope to learn much much more. In these 4.5 months that I've had my tank running I've been through my ups and downs. Had some loses and had some victories. Even at one point I became so discouraged I almost quit. But I stuck with it. smile.png The tank has gone through some changes and I can safely say that I am happy with where it's at (at the moment). I'm about half way through with what I want to do to the tank.

Here's my equipment:

- 20g long aquarium, I like the long shallow look on tanks

- Marineland Penguin 350 HOB Filter

- Fluval Sea Full Spectrum Marine & Reef 24" LED supplemented with a blue LED strip

- Hydor Koralia 240 circulation pump

- Eheim Jager TruTemp 75W heater

Not much, nothing fancy, nothing high tech, but it's what I got so far. cool.png

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Here it is. From start to now (March-August). Sorry for the crappy cell phone pictures. Haha. tongue.png

March 2015

Added a CUC at the end of the month to clear up some of the algae.

Also added the heater, thermometer, and koralia 240.










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April 2015 (Continued)

My Xenia went down hill sometime this month. I don't know if you guys remember that post. Haha.

I haven't seen my little anemone crab in about two weeks. Might have lost him after I changed things up in the tank. hmm.png










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May 2015

I lost my firefish and my yellow clown goby. The firefish was for some weird reason half eaten and didn't make it. The yellow clown goby was starving itself. I couldn't get it to eat anything. It didn't make it either.

Going through a nasty algae phase.

Got a bicolor hammer! punk.gif




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June 2015

The zoa frag I got in April had 2 polyps. It grew some more! grin.png

I went through a nasty algae infestation. It cleared up, but then I started seeing red cyano. It got really bad and started to take over my tank. My corals were looking really bad. Hardly any extension.

Went to C4 and picked up a few frags.

Also did a water change to help with the cyano.

Moved some frags around and positioned them throughout the tank.









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July 2015

My big goniopora piece had been dropping polyps for a while. I lost it.

Also lost a couple of frags from C4.

Everything in the tank was looking really bad. Zoas not opening. Lps not extending. It seems the water change I did didn't really help much. So I went ahead and took out the sand and replaced it with crushed coral. Did another water change and dosed some Red Cyano Rx because the cyano was still there. Started dosing Tropic Marin Bio Calcium. Cyano GONE. Corals looking better than ever.

Added a monti and a blue acro (thank you Dan) as test frags because I wanted to try sps. Hopefully they do well so I can add some more later on. smile.png








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August 2015

That very first 2 polyp zoa frag now has 18 polyps! All my corals have been doing great since the change. Everything is looking great. Also added another fish. Royal Gramma. Haven't gotten a picture of him. Shy little guy. Haha.

Current FTS.










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The first fish I bought was a neon dottyback. Beautiful fish. He was killed two days later. bye.gif

I made a rookie mistake. I didn't put the cover on the intake of the filter and it sucked the fish in. I didn't see him for a couple days and decided to shut the filter off and there he was. Falling out of the intake. In pieces. At least I had some closure. I thought it jumped out and my cat ate him off the carpet. Lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Been going through some GHA issues. But I started doing weekly water changes and got this guy to help. Already working. [emoji4]


Also I've been having an issue with a couple of corals. My two hammers aren't looking too good.







I was told they're splitting/growing more heads and that they would be like that for a while. I was also told they might be hungry. What do you guys think?? I started target feeding yesterday to see if it helps. It's weird because they looked good like the before pictures and then just a few hours later they looked like the after pictures. And they've been like that for about a couple weeks now. Maybe less.

And I got this guy as well. I've wanted one for a while and finally got it. [emoji4]


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I was looking to upgrade my lights and was looking around to see what options I had. I was about to buy some lights from Nelson on Austin Reefers on Facebook. But I couldn't come up with the money. [emoji53] A week later I had to make this shelf because my lovely wife surprised me with some goodies. [emoji2]




Worked on it last night and this is the end result.




I am very very happy with it. [emoji4]

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Ohhhh, and my hammers are actually doing much better now. They are making a comeback. Slowly but surely. I'll post pictures when the lights come on.

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Tank looks good man.

Looks beautiful!

Thanks guys! [emoji4]

Here are updated pictures of my hammers. Looking better.







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what are you target feeding them? I use to target feed mine, now I just broadcast between cyclopeeze, aqua vitro fuel and rot & tisbe pods.

I feed mysis and rods original blend. I was told some coral specific foods are high in nutrients and right now I'm trying to stay away from that being that I'm currently dealing with GHA.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A few updates. After weeks of not seeing my anemone crab I came to the conclusion that I lost it after the change two months ago. Also, I had to part ways with my pistol shrimp. He was too aggressive and killed my firefish and my royal gramma. It was such a pain getting him out. Pretty much tore the whole tank apart to catch him. In all the commotion my sea hare became really stressed and I lost him too. Soooo, since I no longer have the pistol shrimp, I got more fish. Yayyy! [emoji1] Got another firefish and another royal gramma. Also a banggai cardinal and a DaVinci clown. Got a porcelain crab too. Got a new acan as well. And one of my hammers is growing a new head!

You can see the hammer forming a new mouth.


New acan.


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Here's all my fish. Don't have a picture of my porcelain crab since he likes to hide in the rocks. I'll post one when I catch him out in the open. [emoji4]







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What is that acan? I recently discovered the joys of lps thanks to Sascha and I am on the look out for possible new lps.

Austin aqua farms. They're right off of burnet rd and 183. They only open saturdays from 1-4. You can look up stuff online at austinaquafarms.com. I believe you can buy stuff on the website and pick it up during the week. The guy is there at the shop most of the time. You'd have to contact him first though to see if he's there. But he's got a lot of nice stuff. Especially acans and other lps. [emoji4]

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The wife asked a big question. I had to be careful in answering this. Here's how the short conversation went down.

Wife : How much money have you invested in the fish tank, like how much have you put into it??

Me: Ummmmm........

Wife: Like three, four hundred bucks??

Me: I think so. Yeah. That sounds about right.

Wife: Oh ok. That's not bad.

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The wife asked a big question. I had to be careful in answering this. Here's how the short conversation went down.

Wife : How much money have you invested in the fish tank, like how much have you put into it??

Me: Ummmmm........

Wife: Like three, four hundred bucks??

Me: I think so. Yeah. That sounds about right.

Wife: Oh ok. That's not bad.

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I feel like that is the dread fear of all married reef keepers, that or the significant other doing a Google search for equipment to find out how much it is.
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