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Cloudy Water, Goby Sick


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Wow, I'm so sorry all of that happened. Losing fish sucks. Good job figuring out about the ammonia and staying on top of it. Looks like you're getting things turned around.

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Nope but I may give in today and grab some. Feels like I hit a wall. The water is testing at 0,0,5 for amm, ites, and ates.. But still cloudy. I got some purigen a few days ago as well since I was going to grab some anyways. 5 gallon water changes daily.. The corals looks stressed but aren't dying anymore. Heck, the Blasto has developed two baby heads since the start of this dilemma!


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Bought bacteria today.

I had turned the tank light off this morning when I leftfor work because i noticed if it was left on for too long itd worsen the cloudiness.

I get home at 10pm and the light is on. And the tank is as cloudy if not worse than it was on day one :( somebody turned the light on but nobody in my house is coming clean. Probably because they now know i am going to be highly disappointed in whomever did it. Everyone in my apartment knows not to touch Makena's animals and tanks. Why now does someone set me back on all my progress?

I'm starting to run low on salt haha I'll be getting another bucket soon. I'm hoping even if the bacteria i bought isn't the best it'll at least give me a slight helping hand. Doing another water change in the morning. I'm pooped tonight.

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Didn't get a chance to read through your whole thread but i hope you take is bouncing back. I'm doing a water change today or tomorrow and could bring you some filtered water :) or if you need any help im happy to help :)

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Thanks for all the offers guys! Im cutting back on the water changes and went up to Fish Gallery and got a bag o nasty filter pad. Got that in the aquaclear with purigen and fresh carbon. Going to let it do its thing for a day or two and see what happens.

I'm still not sure why the tank clouds up even worse when the lights are on. The corals aren't happy with never getting light. I just have the blue leds on today.

Still dosing Prime daily just to be safe. Ive used up the rest of the four bottles I already had lol I had to grab another big bottle

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Thanks for all the offers guys! Im cutting back on the water changes and went up to Fish Gallery and got a bag o nasty filter pad. Got that in the aquaclear with purigen and fresh carbon. Going to let it do its thing for a day or two and see what happens.

I'm still not sure why the tank clouds up even worse when the lights are on. The corals aren't happy with never getting light. I just have the blue leds on today.

Still dosing Prime daily just to be safe. Ive used up the rest of the four bottles I already had lol I had to grab another big bottle

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So there are two possibilities that I could see as to why the water is more cloudy when the lights are on, the first and in my mind more likely is that the tank is actually not any more murky than when the lights are off but that the interaction of the lights with the suspended particulate is causing more light to be scattered about (think back scatter in photography). Possibility two is that you could have a suspended algae or bacterial bloom that is reacting to the light.

That aside have you thought about using clarity in the tank to help your filter floss clean out the fine particles?

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Im guessing the latter as when i first turn on the lights the tank doesn't look THAT bad but after six hours or so you cant even see the rock its so cloudy.

That's actually a really good idea. And awesome since Clarity got clearanced out at my store so I can grab it on a budget. Ill pick it up at work tomorrow

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The only other thing I could suggest, if you have another pump/filter that you can put a good filter pad and carbon in, is that you could run that as additional filtration and water polishing to remove the cloudiness from the water.

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Mhm I got the Aquaclear 70 running with the carbon and purigen now. Ill set up another large HOB when I get home with more mechanical filtration and see if the Clarity will help bind up any suspended particles and filter those out as well. If worst come to worst I may end up needing two massive water changes. Ill just need more buckets [emoji14]

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Wow, Makena. Sorry to hear about all the troubles. I lost a goby last week as well and it was pretty disappointing. Hopefully it clears up with the extra filtration and Clarity. So, is the current thinking that...

  1. You left your heater off for over a day
  2. The temp dropped to somewhere around 70 degrees
  3. The temp killed off your nitrifying bacteria
  4. Your ammonia spiked
  5. The Goby got sick as did some of the corals
  6. You plugged in the heater and your tank started to cycle
  7. And finally because the tank is cycling you are getting a foggy bacterial bloom?
  8. You are taking care of the bloom with Clarity and Filtration?

I got lost somewhere in there.... :) Regardless, good luck getting it back in shape.

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Pretty much that's the story. Just that it seems my tank almost doesn't want to complete cycling, or I'm getting some other weird bloom as well. Im still not getting any measureable ammonia or nitrites.

I just got home from work wo ill cool down in front of a fan for a bit (No AC in the car and it was HOT) then get to dosing the Clarity and adding more mechanical filtration in the form of filter pads

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