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Cloudy Water, Goby Sick


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Not sure what happened. I just got promoted and have been working 10-12 hour days and just feeding and turning lights on and off.. So nothing new. I did recently do a water change but the new water had same parameters as the old.

The tank water looks cloudy, similar to a bacteria bloom.. But no fish gasping for air. Other than the goby everyone looks fine.. Eats fine. Corals look good still as well. I noticed him swimming in a weird area yesterday morning and when i got home late last night he looked like this:


Now.. I had a really really rough night at work and out of all of the fish I own Grumpy Gills here is my favorite. So it's really stressing me seeing him so sad. I cant tell if maybe thats a parasite on his side or just fungus or what. No white spots.. Nothing on the other fish.

I dont have any pics of the cloudy water as I was just too hysterical to snap one before i crashed out to get 5 hours of sleep before coming back to open the store.

I CAN set up a 5 gallon QT, but id have to mix up some SW first (normally id have 5 gallons ready but with how works been.. Thats my fault)

Ive spent hours on google trying to identify it. Def not a "true" fungus. Looks almost like a film in a band around that area of his body

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I'd QT it if you can. Rather play it safe. To me it almost looks like an injury but that might be just the picture. If so, perhaps put him in QT with Maracyn?

Was there anything that possibly died in the tank to cloud up the water? Did you happen to double check your params in the tank?

If you need some SW quick, you're more than welcome to have some of mine. I have a 55gal tank that's always ready to go so it wouldn't be a problem.

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I know my anemone crab died and I left his body since the snails were picking at it and he was tiny. This was before C4 that he died though. Everyone else is accounted for including the whopping 4 members of my CUC hah

The only problem with the water is once I get help getting it in my car.. I'm too weak to get it up to my place -.-' normally my brother would help but he's gone. I think I may have about two or three gallons ready to go. I also don't get off till 4 so I suppose either way he will end up needing to wait a bit

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Yeah, that crab couldn't have caused this... When was the last WC?

You could haul the water in multiple trips, doesn't have to go all in 1 container. Perhaps some 1g containers, like large drinking water bottles from HEB or something.

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Just got home. Grumpy Gills sadly did not make it.

Im about to run some water tests and I'm angry at myself for being so disorganised. I managed to lose all the clear bottles for my API kit and all but one for my red sea coral pro kit so ill pretty much just be eyeballing the API colors to see if I somehow started a cycle and thats why were looking so cloudy.

All the remaining fish still look good. Fat and happy. Corals are open. Ill snap a pic of the water when i post the parameters. The skimmer seems like it may be producing more skimmate than usual as well, if that means anything >.>

Best part is this all happened right after I paid all my bills and paid to help rescue another animal so I literally have maybe $20 to my name till Friday.

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I'm very sorry to hear that he didn't make it. :(

The skimmer might be running hot because of the fish dying. It's probably ok to let it run fast for a bit to pull any extra organic material out.

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So I did a fairly janky ammonia test and we def have ammonia. In the time it took for me to jump and and do a 2x dose of prime, the vial turned a DARK green. So we're definitely cycling. I have no idea why though. BUT.. I now remember that when i did the water change i forgot to plug the heater back in for just over aeound 28 hours. The water temp dropped to 74, its normally 81.4 on the dot, and mind you it was 74 in the afternoon when my place is warmest. I keep the AC on 70 at night and there's a vent just above and to the right of the tank. Could a sudden drop of temp kill my cycle?

Now that I look my Meteor Shower frag seems to be withering away in pieces and the zoas def look more stressed than earlier today

Im not sure how long the Goby was dead for. He was alive when I left at 6:15am and gone when I arrived home at 5:00pm ish but i doubt just him or that short would cause that ammonia spike alone.

My best theory is the temp drop killed a ton of my bacteria and live rock goodies which caused the ammonia spike and cloudy water.

Ill dose the Prime every 24 hours and keep the skimmer running so the bacteria bloom doesn't suffocate the remaining fish


Edit.. Water looks green in pic but thats actually brown diatoms on the side and back glass. Its def that milky white cycling cloudy

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Question: would adding more live rock help speed up the cycle? I could get bottled bacteria but I only know whats best for freshwater aquariums, not salt. Tetra safe start and One and Only are the top two I know of for freshwater

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I wouldn't add more live rock. A dead fish in a small tank can produce ammonia and is probably what caused the spike after the temperature drop. Remove the body and do a water change. The Prime should bind the ammonia until your bacteria can cope.

Sorry to hear you lost the little guy.

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Oh wow. That was definitely an added piece of info to the situation. Dropping that low in temp is almost definitely the cause of this. Like Mike said, water change for sure, possibly a big one to get that ammonia down.

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Looks like we may have lost the Six Line as well. Didn't see him when i walked by to head to work at 5am and again when I came home and actually stopped and looked around for him at 6pm. Did the 5 gallon water change last night, making more water now to do another one when I get up for work at 3am tomorrow. (Getting promoted during a store remodel and the new fish system wont fit through any of the doors.. Super fun) also did another dose of Prime

All other inhabitants still look fine. Everyone that is seemingly left ate the small amount of food I offered them. Dont want to overfeed. Urchin looks fine. No dropped spines or spawning behavior from him. Conches are eating away, same with my lone snail. Corals look pretty unhappy, may lose the meteor shower but everyone else is alive, fungia is still inflated

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Let me know if you need help tomorrow Makena, anytime before 6pm. I have about 10-15 gallons of water already made if needed and I can help you carry it upstairs.

Sorry about the losses... losing fish always breaks my heart.

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I hopefully wont have to take you up on That Ty, as my brother has returned today. But I sincerely appreciate the offer. This past week has been one of my worst if I'm being honest so I'm trying to keep my head up and hang out on the forum and update a lot to prevent me from going into my little hole like I did around Christmas.


Heres the little girl I spent the rest of my funds on. During our remodel we netted what was left of the fish and crabs and hauled them to the next closest location. This little female red claw crab got left behind. So as usual, I volunteered as tribute and bought a 2.5 gallon tank (which will be way too small) for temporary housing till I can get to my brothers and get one of my in storage tanks.



Still no sign of the wrasse, everyone else is active, no inflamed gills, so the Prime is keeping them safe

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Still no sign of the wrasse. Pretty sure hes gone as well but everyone else is still there. Most all my SPS is gone as well. LPS is hanging in there.. Zoas also hanging on but have remained closed.

Finally got out of my rut. Did a 5 gallon water change last evening and another this morning. Water is a green cloudy now. Until last night I hadnt turned any lights on. I wanted to do another water change tonight but I just got home and have to be back at work at 4am so I'm quickly writing up this post then hitting the hay. SW has been mixing since this morning but the salinity was a bit low so i added more salt to the mix and have to wait on that to mix up anywho before doing another water change.





Compare new water to old


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Finally got my spare test kit from work.

Ammonia is at .25-.5ppm (was at 8ppm the first day of cloudiness)

Nitrite is 0ppm

I didn't test for nitrate seeing as I'm still jot seeing nitrite. I did another 5 gallon change today. Have water mixing for another one tomorrow afternoon. Dosed with prime again of course. It seems a smidge clearer but the green/yellow tinge isnt helping. Ill grab some purigen on the way home from work tomorrow, probably stock up on carbon as well since I ran out

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Awh thanks! My tank is my baby and as much as id love to hole up again I just cant do it.


Day one of losing the cycle




I'm also 100% sure if it weren't for Prime, i would have lost EVERYTHING. Ammonia was well over 8ppm. But the Prime bound it up and made it safe

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Awh thanks! My tank is my baby and as much as id love to hole up again I just cant do it.


Day one of losing the cycle




I'm also 100% sure if it weren't for Prime, i would have lost EVERYTHING. Ammonia was well over 8ppm. But the Prime bound it up and made it safe

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Awesome!!! I'm still working on removing that RBTA so get that tank up and ready for him!

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