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Are you a geek w/ an APEX?

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Do you have a server w/ mysql, php & perl?

I just threw together something to log datapoints from my apex. I find the graphs neptune provides to be... vague. heres mine:



http://bit.ly/1FBBZjM <--i calibrated it at night, so in the day its way off *lol*

http://$apexip/cgi-bin/status.json Has a plethora of data that the xml does not provide. taking 5 min snapshots of this and making graphs, possibilities are endless.

If there is any interest for this, I can sanitize my code and pack it up for folks.

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Awesome. If you could find a way to let users really heavily customize their charts and views, I could see a cool little standalone site for this. After which point neptune says "hey there mr. isaac, come make charts for us. here is a stack of cash"

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  • 8 months later...

# ./getapex.pl -h
Usage: ./getapex.pl [-a] [-l] [-p] [-V] [-s] [-o] [-v] [-e] [-S] [-x] [-f] [-h]
-a : all (default)
-l : Lights
-p : Pumps
-V : Variable controls
-s : Switches
-o : Outlets
-v : Virtual Outlets
-e : Environment
-S : System
-A : Alerts
-x : Run silent but update DB
-f : check firmware version
-E : email summary
-h : this help screen


*/10 * * * * /home/***/bin/getapex.pl -x <- 10 min poll to DB for graphs
00 09 * * * /home/***/bin/getapex.pl -E <- morning status email

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sample email:

Software : 4.40_CC15
FusionState : OK
Date : Wed Feb 24 18:22:18 2016
PwrRestored : Wed Feb 24 15:56:11 2016
PwrFailed : Wed Feb 24 15:55:30 2016

Temp : 77.2
pH : 8.34
CaRktr : 6.53
Amp : 4
Slnty : 34.2

No alerts

No actionable sensors

No leaks found

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whole shbang! the other options pretty much just filter off this. ie -l only shows lights:

# getapex.pl -a
Hostname : idk-apex
Serial : AC4:xxxxxx
Software : 4.40_CC15
Hardware : 1.0
FusionKey : xxxxxxxxx
FusionState : 3
Timezone : -6.00
Date : Wed Feb 24 18:22:49 2016
PwrRestored : Wed Feb 24 15:56:11 2016
PwrFailed : Wed Feb 24 15:55:30 2016
Temp : 77.3 : base_Temp/Temp
pH : 8.34 : base_pH/pH
CaRktr : 6.53 : base_pH2/pH
Amp : 3.8 : 3_0/Amps
Slnty : 34.2 : 4_1/Cond
Fd_sw1 : Open : base_I1/digital
SumpLo : Open : base_I2/digital
SumpHi : Open : base_I3/digital
RefuLo : Open : base_I4/digital
RefuHi : Open : base_I5/digital
SkimHi : Open : base_I6/digital
WC_pm1 : Open : 4_I1/digital
SkmBkt : Open : 4_I2/digital
drainR : Open : 4_I3/digital
drainL : Open : 4_I4/digital
KalkLo : Open : 4_I5/digital
PM2sw6 : Open : 4_I6/digital
Cab1 : Open : 5_I1/digital
Fuge2 : Open : 5_I2/digital
Sump3 : Open : 5_I3/digital
Chill4 : Open : 5_I4/digital
Tunze_R : W040/40 : base_Var1/variable(0)
Tunze_L : W040/40 : base_Var2/variable(1)
PumpCtl_b_3 : PumpCtlHi/100 : base_Var3/variable(2)
CabFan_b_4 : CabinetFan/93 : base_Var4/variable(3)
SndAlm_I6 : Auto-OFF : base_Alarm/alert(4)
SndWrn_I7 : Auto-OFF : base_Warn/alert(5)
EmailAlm_I5 : Auto-OFF : base_email/alert(6)
Day_3_1 : Auto-ON : 3_1/outlet(7)
Night_3_2 : Auto-OFF : 3_2/outlet(8)
CaRktr_3_3 : Auto-OFF : 3_3/outlet(9)
Skimmer_3_4 : Auto-ON : 3_4/outlet(10)
Koralia_3_5 : OFF : 3_5/outlet(11)
Vinegar_3_6 : Auto-OFF : 3_6/outlet(12)
UV_3_7 : Auto-ON : 3_7/outlet(13)
Pumps_3_8 : Auto-ON : 3_8/outlet(14)
FeedBtn_A1 : Auto-OFF : Cntl_A1/virtual(15)
Leak_A2 : Auto-OFF : Cntl_A2/virtual(16)
WcDly_A3 : Auto-OFF : Cntl_A3/virtual(17)
WcBtn_A4 : Auto-OFF : Cntl_A4/virtual(18)
Levels_A5 : Auto-OFF : Cntl_A5/virtual(19)
SkimDly_A6 : Auto-OFF : Cntl_A6/virtual(20)
SlntyDly_A7 : Auto-OFF : Cntl_A7/virtual(21)
KalkDay_A8 : OFF : Cntl_A8/virtual(22)
KalkNight_A9 : OFF : Cntl_A9/virtual(23)
NewFish_A10 : Auto-OFF : Cntl_A10/virtual(24)
KalkHiPH_A11 : Auto-OFF : Cntl_A11/virtual(25)
PwrApex_A12 : Auto-OFF : Cntl_A12/virtual(26)
PwrEB8_A13 : Auto-OFF : Cntl_A13/virtual(27)
Storm_A14 : OFF : Cntl_A14/virtual(28)
StrmDemo_A15 : OFF : Cntl_A15/virtual(29)
NewCoral_A16 : OFF : Cntl_A16/virtual(30)
DayLED_7_1 : Midday/84 : 7_1/variable(38)
ActLED_7_2 : ActMidday/100 : 7_2/variable(39)
PwrSvPumps : Auto-OFF/0 : 7_3/variable(40)
backupheater : Auto-OFF/0 : 7_4/variable(41)
WhtLED_7_5 : AIMidday/24 : 7_5/serial(42)
BlueLED_7_6 : AIActMidday/56 : 7_6/serial(43)
Wht2LED_7_7 : AIMidday/24 : 7_7/serial(44)

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Awesome. If you could find a way to let users really heavily customize their charts and views, I could see a cool little standalone site for this. After which point neptune says "hey there mr. isaac, come make charts for us. here is a stack of cash"

kinda already done: https://www.reeftronics.net/ia/ikishk/apex-status%C2'> he has all the data, a website, and the polling in place... maybe I should ping him to see if I could play w/ said data for customizations..... someday, when i have free time *lol*

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I want an APEX so badly. But it is definitely too much technology for my brain to handle.

I'd have to pay someone to set it up! LOL !

I manage to use one! It's much easier than it used to be, with the fusion website. I can't do all the fancy stuff going on in this thread, but it's so useful in just the basic things it can do that's it's definitely worth it anyway. And there's plenty of Apex knowledgeable people in the club that would be happy to help I'm sure!
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