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Mag Floats

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Do Mag Floats weaken over time? I find when I purchase a new MF it has magnetic powers that keep it together like glue, but after some period of time the MF gets weaker and weaker. Then it constantly seems to come apart while glass cleaning and the inside piece floats away in the current or sticks to the magnetic holder on the power head. I may have anger issues but this really peeves me!

Guess Ill just buy a new MF to appease my anal retention glass cleaning habit. Every time I walk by the tank I HAVE TO use that darn MF cleaner on some little spot which of course turns into a full panel or two or three or sometimes X4. But if I have to chase the MF around in the tank trying to use the magnetic powers to recapture it, I can sometimes just spit.

HA! Am I the only one? Or are there other MF haters out there

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