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Hello, I've had a freshwater aquarium befure but am ready to get a saltwater aquariums. As of now I have a 30g tank and 20g tall tank both of which I was fortunate enough to get free from a friend. As of now I'm looking to get the Marineland Penguin Bio Wheel Power Filter 200 and I'm not sure on what lighting I want/need. I was recommended the Fluval Marine LED or Fluval reef series lighting. I'm not sure if I want corals or not as it would cost me a lot more to have them but would love suggestions for equipment! :)

Lastly, I have been recommended to build a sump but would need help as to what it requires.

Thank You!

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correct. biowheels arent used commonly with saltwater setups. sumps are very common and are used primarily to house equipment you dont want in your display tank and give extra water volume.

Interesting would not having a skimmer or anything require more water changes? I assume it would I would have to watch more carefully. I'm wanting to get a starfish, clownfish, goby, some sort of shrimp, and a yellow tail damsel or a blenny ( I would love a seahorse but would have to get rid of the goby from what I understand. I've heard they are also hard to take care of) I've thought about doing a HOB skimmer but if I can do it with just liverock and a powerhead that would be nice.

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there is a religious debate on the utility of skimmers. I am pro skimmer, others are not. you could keep all those things with just live rock, a powerhead and a heater for the winter if you keep your house cold. if you start wanting corals things get more complicated and expensive.

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there is a religious debate on the utility of skimmers. I am pro skimmer, others are not. you could keep all those things with just live rock, a powerhead and a heater for the winter if you keep your house cold. if you start wanting corals things get more complicated and expensive.

That's good to know I appreciate that. I actually do keep my house colder at night time but for most of the day it's at 78-80.

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