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Graphs in Fusion not logging

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I finally got around to setting up my apex last night and I am not getting any daya logging showing up in fusion for temp, ph, etc.

Is there a setting that needs to be enabled or something on the controller or in fusion? I know its connected because I can log into my account and program things, but I am not getting data?

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  • 4 weeks later...

graphs showing yet?

why does everyone love fusion? i dont like the idea of having to go to a third party for control and stuff, why not just directly to the controller? smile.png only pluses it may have are scheduling w/ pretty pictures... am i missing something? *lol*

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Not a huge fan of Fusion myself. I wished they would have just revamped their old OS. I was using it just fine as is.

I get annoyed that I have to constantly log back into Fusion to have it work. I want something open and ready to go like their app... just prettier.

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agreed. I used stylish to remove the top logo bar and logo. much nicer now. fusion has a bug that just... bugs me... when you add or remove a box in anything except chrome, your options from available stuff is unscrollable. you have to save, reload and do it again for multiple boxes.

I also hatehatehate the lack of CLI support. sure, you can toggle outlets from cli, but you cant check on status of anything. their CLI is major gimped. I guess i can deal w/ the toggle... just make a new outlet to trigger things. I wanna have the ability to script something off my server..... if the UPS is at 80% kill lights, 50% kill aux pumps, 10% just run air pump... kinda thing. im a geek, sorry smile.png

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Yes. Data started to show up eventually,about 24 hours latwr maybe. no idea why it was not there to start. I asked neptune and they side stepped the question.

I also had an issue with not constantly receiving text notifications, which I also asked them about and again they just side stepped the question and did not answer it directly one way or another. I think if you get multiple messages that shoukd be sent in a short period of time it does not work, why, I have no idea. I was troubke shooting and triggering the events and would not get the messages consistantly. That was driving me crazy. I just gave up, and it started working when it was supposed to it seems.

I have never logged into fusion on a pc, only from an android based phone

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I just use the apex app. its not great, but it works.

whenever you add a new probe it ussually wont show graphs/logs until midnight. maybe fusion needed an extra day after that first midnight?

PM me more info on the email settings and ill try and help ya out. i ended up making a gmx acct just for this (gmail's smtp wasnt being consistant relaying to my txt's email addr)

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The alerts are setup to go to my phone via text message, with no forwarding or anything from an email account. This was setup using in fusion by simply enterinf my cell ohone providerand number. It works now, i must have been overloadong something when I was twsting it out is all I can think of

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