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Strange parasite on firefish

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Is it just me or does he look he has a fair amount of white spots on him?

Sorry it's not related to the external parasite.

I kind of agree with Reburn when looking at the picture closer. Obviously the actual fish was in front of you so you'd have the best observation of it... we're just basing off a picture.

Any of the other fish show any signs of ich?

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Yeah, we're not 100% sure he didn't have ich. We had fish with ich before and it just didn't look the same. He was the only one with dots, but they were much fainter in person. The camera seemed to bring them out. It just didn't seem to be as distinct as the ich spots we've seen in the past, but then again, our memory could be faded considering that was over 10 years ago.

SO, the conclusion is it's entirely possible he had ich too! But I still think it wasn't ich. I was reading up on it a lot after multiple suggested it was ich on reef central, and apparently white dots doesn't mean 100% ich. There are apparently lots of things that cause white dots, ich just happens to be a common cause.

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I'm sure we only know about 25% of the marine fish diseases out there and anything with similar symptoms is going to get the blame so that makes sense. As long as it isn't popping up on other fishes... I don't think you have to initiate panic mode or anything yet. grin.png

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Yea. Panic button is safely stowed, but accessible.

There is only 2 fish in there, the other Helfrichi and the green banded goby. There might be a 2nd goby but we may never actually see it. So far, 0 dots on the other fish.

Either way we are going to get the qt tank set up over the weekend and probably wait a while to get more fish.

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