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devastating loss at Texas state aquarium


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Well I lost two fish so far in my battle, looks like the aquariums not fairing so well either.

Absolute crippling empathy is all I feel for the biologists at corpus right now. So sad.


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Edited by Bluemoon
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More details in the LA Times article herehttp://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-texas-state-aquarium-20150415-story.html

The creatures the aquarium was trying to kill were the trematoda parasite, Glover said.

"Trematoda is a class within the phylum Platyhelminthes," he said. "It includes two groups of parasitic flatworms, known as flukes. They are internal parasites."

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Last week, we reported on mass fish mortality at Texas State Aquarium due to fluke treatment. In all, 389 fishes ended up losing their lives. The primarily investigation faults a mislabeled container of chemicals supplied by the manufacturer. What should have been Trichlorfon ended up being something completely different. Yikes!

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  • 1 year later...


We have an update. Looks like the State Aquarium won a lawsuit against the chemical supplier. Be careful, some reefers were using this company to supply choloroquine phosphate as well for ich, brooklynella, and marine velvet treatment.

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Wow. Well there's a great example of the importance of quality control in chemical production and distribution. That's so sad that this happened.

Oh, on a totally unrelated note, that potassium chloride I gave you was just really sugar. Good thing I made you sign that waiver.
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