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ol" lady calls it her orange stick


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I still have my money on setosa. The roundish branches clue me off to that. All my digitatas have somewhat flattened branches, especially in the ends of the branches. Also, most digitatas have whitish growth tips.

We'll see in about a month.

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Medium and high light are very subjective to each tank. My low light is most people's medium light.

I tend to use zoas if you don't have access to a par meter. If they stretch a little, I consider that low light. If they are flat against a the rock, I consider that medium to high. Either case, I've had more SPS die of low light than high light so I usually move to higher if it doesn't look good. I know... the opposite thinking of softies and LPS.

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I started my 150g with dry rock and dry sand. For the first 6 months every sps I tried in the new tank would just bleach like this. Could it be your tank is too new?

I have LEDs and I keep my Setosa about 17" from the light.

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