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Are Anemone's Compatible with Shrimp?


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So... when I researched this question before putting an anemone in my tank, the answer was a resounding - "Don't do it"!

The primary logic (seemingly sound) being that the anemone's diet in the ocean includes shrimp, and even in our tanks, it's common to feed them whole krill.

Well... take a look at the attached pic of my cleaner shrimp, sitting on top of the anemone's tentacles, as they both dine on a chunk of squid in the anemone's mouth. The frickn' shrimp is literally hanging out inside the anemone's stinging tentacles, eating away!!!



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Actually it's the anemone that is in trouble with shrimp. Those shrimp are very good at stealing food from the anemones and they do not care if they rip and tear tentacles and the coral disk in an attempt to get it. I try not to keep any carnivorous shrimp like that in my tank to protect my anemones. They usually win in a battle between them and an anemone. Peppermint shrimp straight up eat some anemones.

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I'm sorry I wasnt clear in my statement.

Peppermint shrimp eat aiptasia which is an anemone. They will eat other anemones too. Carpets, maxi mini, LTA. The only thing I haven't heard of them eating is BTA and tube. I'm sure they will provided they are starving though.

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All I can provide my experience with Shrimp and Anemones over the 4 years I have had my 180g reef tank setup. I have had both Cleaner shrimp and Peppermint shrimp with BTAs and Rock Anemones and never had an issue with the shrimp bothering the anemones nor the anemones bothering/eating the shrimp. All have been model citizens in my tank... The shrimp have grabbed food on occasion from the anemones but I don't consider that a problem. I also have an anemone crab that hosts in my BTAs that is fun to watch...

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I's pretty much echo Woods and mFrame. I have two cleaner shrimp and a banded coral shrimp, have for years now, and over the past year have added several, more than 7 peppermint shrimp, to battle aphasia, and have never seen an issue with them. Yes if the shrimp can steal a piece of food they will. And right now I have 5 good size Sherman RBT Anemones in my tank (I will be pairing that back two one in the next month). So the two clown fish I have are not really able to "protect" all of them. I also have a rock nem, and again no issues there.

I do believe that if the shrimp were not paying attention they would/could become food for the nems, but they are smarter then that... and if they aren't, they probably should be food. :)Darwinism at is' finest!

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I don't think shrimp will ever maliciously attack a BTA, I have seen peppermints eating a detached BTA tentacle before. Whether the tentacle was detached by the shrimp or a clownfish is unknown, but I have still seen a peppermint consume part of a BTA. If I don't try to target feed the BTA then I don't mind having shrimp in the tank. It's when I am trying to feed an anemone some krill or scallop to bring the BTA up to health that I can't tolerate shrimp in the tank. They'll literally reach right into the stomach and pull the food out. Kind of frustrating when you're trying to grow the anemone.

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psh, I've tried that in the past. The shrimp would just grab the anemone food and drag it into the darkness to feast upon it later. Greedy little water bugs...

Hint, feed the shrimp first until it's about to burst... then feed the anemone.

I can literally picture your mind blown right now as you read it Gig'em. [emoji24]

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You know what I've found that keeps them in line? Giant fish! I'm not kidding. When I had all my tangs swimming around, the shrimp wouldn't step into the light to save his life.

Now that I don't have them anymore, the shrimp roams the tank like he owns it.

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