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My first coral...


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Left rock, top mushroom. That was my first coral ever. I was rocking the compact fluorescents in my nanocube!

Funny thing, looking back, I still have the middle rock and right rock in my sump and that green fungia plate spawned the entire progeny I have in my system and countless others who bought one from me. Those orange skirt zoas with the yellow dot center I still have in my system today... 10 years later. I'm also impressed I knew back then to keep the star polyps on the sand by itself. [emoji57]


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I can remember when Xenia was impossible to keep! laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png I think I still have an old FAMA (Fresh and Marine Aquarium) magazine laying around with an article on tips for keeping them alive.

Purple Mushrooms back in 1988. Looked great in the LFS (they were using 5800K lights) but didn't like the 4100K flourescents I was using. Burleson still hadn't written his article introducing aquarists to the Phillips 03 actinic light and the effect it had on making corals brighter. It would be still another 8 years give or take before the first fluorescing proteins were discovered.

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Picked up a cool rock with a couple of mushrooms and red macro. It even came with free Aiptasia, I think I finally got them all and added a couple of peppermint shrimp just in case.


Edited by Reefgardner
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Really showing my noob-ness. May 12, 2012. Pics from The day after I set up my first saltwater tank. Came with two corals. The favia I still have in my current tank (sold the pictured colony but kept a single polyp back then and it has grown to 3-4x the original mother size colony). Whammin watermelons long gone but I've still got that species in the tank from another source. The azure damsel is still with me as well.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright folks, another one of my random games to fill the day. What was the first coral you ever had? Bonus points for pics!

My first SPS look familiar TY? About 3 months after I bought a tiny 5 dollar frag from you


My First 2 LPS


Frog Spawn at the bottom next to clam


The frog Spawn 1 year later when I took the tank down last week its was 45 heads


Ty stylo one year later under 250w MH


TY Stylo 10 months later under LEDS


The same duncan 1 year later - 8 months later under LED when I took the tank down its was 32 heads


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