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UV sterilizer experiment


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Reburn dropped off a microscope. Anybody have any Johnny 5 flashbacks looking at it?

Any ideas folks? I just may goof around with it and reacquaint myself to using a microscope. It's been a couple of years...

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I did a quick online search for marine microorganism identification picture coloring book but was unable to find one :)

Tim fish may have one. Lord knows the man has got all the books. :)

If I need to buy a computer camera adapter to replace one of the eye pieces I'm not above that too :)

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Since I don't have the scope in hand anymore I'll let you look at the eye piece and diopter pieces and scope model and shop online and find an appropriate scope camera. I'll email you my wish list and price range. Might as well get a new bulb while your at it.

I can't rmember if that is a phase contrast model or not you will have to look. I think it is.

Sucker, lol my evil plan of getting you to find the parts is coming to fruition. Hahahahaha

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Since I don't have the scope in hand anymore I'll let you look at the eye piece and diopter pieces and scope model and shop online and find an appropriate scope camera. I'll email you my wish list and price range. Might as well get a new bulb while your at it.

I can't rmember if that is a phase contrast model or not you will have to look. I think it is.

Sucker, lol my evil plan of getting you to find the parts is coming to fruition. Hahahahaha

You forget... lazyreeferTy. [emoji41]
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I did a quick online search for marine microorganism identification picture coloring book but was unable to find one :)

Tim fish may have one. Lord knows the man has got all the books. :)

If I need to buy a computer camera adapter to replace one of the eye pieces I'm not above that too :)

Best part is I have one of these books in the classroom a lot of my FW tanks are in.
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Ummm... so... I'm glad I went into environmental science and didn't stick with marine biology back in school. It took a whole 5 mins of looking into the microscope for me to get motion sick. In my defense, I get motion sick pretty easily. Not much of a defense I know but it's the best I got.

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I'm going to stick to anecdotal observations for now.

1) I noticed odd polyp extension today. I usually get pretty good polyp extension normally but there's usually a couple of non-compliant SPS that just don't play along. Not tonight however... most interesting was the fact that my hawkins echinata, for the first time I've seen during daylight hours, had its polyps out. Normally, I see them in the wee hours of the night with a flashlight only.


Same here... I don't usually see the new white growths so fuzzy with polyps.


This guy... hard to describe but the polyps just pop more to me... almost more defined than normal... as if someone just turned up the contrast on it.


Lastly, this guy hasn't shown polyps on the terminal ends in months... until tonight. It usually had polyps on the base but not terminal ends.


Is any of this an effect of the UV? Who knows. I did also kick back up my GFO so that could be a cause of the changes observed as well. As stated... all anecdotal.

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Hypothesis time: live bugs are harder to catch than dead bugs. The UV is lowering the motility of your pelagic bug population which means that polyp feeding response is increased because of the increase in success rate of catching immobile bugs.

Those pictures are awesome!

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Although I guess to be of scientific mind I should submit my own separate hypothesis for review....

I hypothesize that there is a sudden influx of dead organic material that had been previously trapped in the form of pelagic bacteria and microbes. This changes the biochemical composition of the water column triggering a feeding response from the SPS.

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Ahhh, science nerds. Got to love 'em!

Echinata at night with polyps extended. Excuse the washed out look in the first one... I took the pictures immediately after turning on the lights as the echinata will retract is polyps very quickly to the light. Took a picture to document what the polyps look like normally in the wee hours of the night. It is normal for it to do that at night so this is not an effect of the UV.



Here's the mariculture with crazy polyps too at night.


Just for fun since he was just sitting there... my blue mille.


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