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Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish

Nano Reefer Ky

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Now $25

Well I did my best to keep this beautiful fish but I don't think she is going to work out in my tank. She is a pretty active swimmer and will perch on some of the corals on the bottom of the tank. Most of my corals are small frags and I worry the repetitive agitation will be too much stress on them. Her touch is light but she doesn't have very much room to swim and roam around.

She has been eating frozen PE mysis shrimp for a good long while now. I simply make a ball of mysis shrimp and stick it on the end of a wooden skewer. I will then hold the skewer right above the surface of the water. When she gets near the surface I dip the stick into the water and she eats it off the stick.

She is a very interesting fish and a beauty to watch. She is vey curious and will thoroughly inspect everything you do in the tank.

She is about 1-1.5 inches in length.

Fuzzy dwarf lions are vey gentle fish. I have never worried about being stung when messing in the tank. I do always make sure I know where she is so I don't accidently grab her. They will only eat fish that are smaller than them and will not go after fast swimmers. They will eat ornamental shrimp, so beware of that.

PM me if interested. Thanks!




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  • 1 month later...

I would have totally snatched this awesome fish Ky but the wife put the kabosh on any new fish additions. She'd definitely notice a lionfish since it looks so unique. Haha.

Good luck with the sale... it's not often you run across an already tank-trained dwarf lionfish that already eats frozen!

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