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I think I have a problem!


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I'm expecting that in one way or another (maybe more) I will not be alone in this. With my new build there are a number of things that I am excited about, but as the title says... I think I have a problem, because one of the things I looking most forward to is the PLUMBING!! Yep, the plumbing. I think it partly brings me back to the days of lincoln logs, erector sets and legos! I just like the whole process. I do have some things I've been kicking around and I wanted to get others input, and maybe learn from your experiences.

For one, schedule 40 or 80? It has absolutely NOTHING to do with capabilities, as in, able to handle flow/pressure, it' all aesthetics. YES the underside of my tank is equally important to me to look good! I've always used plain white (off white) schedule 40. I kinda like the idea of the grey color of schedule 80. Given that I have never used it for this application, I'm not sure that obstacles I might run into. For instance the threads or the return pump matching the schedule 80 fitting, the threads are different between 40 and 80, also how about bulk heads, I'd expect I'll need special bulkheads. Flex PVC, while I don't plan to use much of this, it makes a few tasks easier to deal with, some flexibility but still no leaks (if glued correctly). That I have seen there is no schedule 80 flex PVC... have you seen it? What other issues am I missing? I know I can buy custom colors online, but as anyone knows that has done this, there is ALWAYS (and often many) times that you forget a fitting etc. and I don't want to delay my build due to shipping.

Second, drain type. In the past I've used a durso stand pipe. The new tank has two returns (well 4 holes total), so I could easily use a herbie design. There is also the BeanAnimal that I don't know much about. While I have been able to adjust the durso to a level that really minimized the overflow sound it is never completely silent. Herbie is appealing for that aspect, but I worry a little that the pure nature of tuning the herbie is restricting my turn over. So what had been your experience?

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There is no reason other than color to go with 80, and no, that I have seen there is no flex for 80. But, that wouldn't matter other than color because none of the flex lines are threaded...they are glue only. You could also just paint the PVC once dry fitted and glued depending on if you are using socks r not. Or, do like I do and order WAY more of eveything than you could possibly need and sell what you don't use.

As to the Herbie, I have tinkered but only in the garage. I know a lot of people say this is the quiet method, but the drop from spillway to herbie level seems as noisy as the durso IMO.

With 2 overflows you should have a pretty easy time with ball valves matching the flow. I have only run single and triple systems, never a double. But, on my current tank (single overflow) I have the overflow baffled out to three ball valves: 1 1/2" for the turf scrubber. and 2 11/4" true overflow...I can hear the motors over the flow for sure!

Lastly: UNIONS, lots and lots of unions!! I can always tell a bui;d by an experienced reefer by how many unions they use.

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Check Valves on the returns will be something to think about also.

In the past I have not used a check valve I used a siphon break, small hole in the return line. I might do a check valve, I just don't like the extra space it takes in the return.

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I just switched to the herbie drain and I couldn't be happier. If you go this route I would suggest using gate valves to adjust the flow. I would also suggest going to grainger.com to order them. I got two 1" valves for 33 bucks and picked them up at the store, no shipping. They will cost that much for just one in most other places.

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If you want your plumbing to look good you can use krylon fusion spray paint to paint anything. I painted all my plumbing black and it looks good. It covers the purple drip marks everywhere from glue and you can still use cheap/easy to find pvc stuff. You can also paint your stand pipes or whatever overflow/return method you will use and its non toxic

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I'd recommend sched 20 if you can find it. The pressure isn't enough to require sched 40, let alone 80. (Caveat, if you're running a giant system with a giant return rate on a giant pressure pump, you might need sched 80. Most systems don't.)

Paint it if you're concerned about how it looks (which I understand).

I used the Bean Animal, similar to the Herbie, on my 75 and am using the stock Durso on my 215. I can't tell a difference in the noise levels. I used plain ole dual union ball valves on my BA and they were all wide open. Never took them apart until the system sprung a leak. Skip the valves.

IMO, KISS is the rule when it comes to plumbing. No valves, no check valves, minimal turns/runs, balance your return pump to your desired turn over and be happy.

Edit: skip the primer when gluing. No building inspector is going to come check the plumping on your tank. Plain ole clear glue is more than sufficient. Unless you like the purple streaks in which case...

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