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Anyone want to remodel a kitchen?

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I am not into that aquarium-kitchen setup at all, i cant imagine how fishy can take all the bangings and chopping noises when dinner is coming...still very attractive though.

but i always love to see inwall/ room devider aquarium designs...impressively beautiful apartment...wish i could live there for a week...hyper.gif

thanks for the posts, guys

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All of those comments below are hilarious laugh.png

Personally I still prefer the indoor reef swimming pool if I were to be extravagant with my tank...

+1, that's my dream. My brother-in-law has a saltwater pool. I was intently questioning him about the salinity levels, etc. Biggest issue is that I think the spa would have to be the SPS section to prevent me from stepping on everything. Imagine fragging that way though!

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Of yeah, I've definitely thought about many of the logistics during my morning swims. I would have my nicer SPS in shallow areas, perhaps near a viewing window, and out of the way of foot traffic. A large patch of stag horn and plating corals in the deeper end of the pool, anemones and random sps in the incline area, and maybe some patches of GSP and zoas in filler areas. Stock the pool with plenty of tangs, schools of anthias and chromis, and of course some nice large angelfish that cruise around the pool all day. This would be in a greenhouse or an area with plenty of natural light and supplement that with actinic LED canons. Have one heck of a protein skimmer in the pump house, a hot tub size sump with macro algae, and flow would be provided by industrial sized pool pumps set to wave mode.


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There is a house in the keys with a four foot deep saltwater "pool" going throughout the landscape. If memory serves it's about 50,000 gallons and is a closed system running on an apex. you probably wouldn't want to use the local water unless you only had indeginous species.

Now, indian ocean....Aussie....those would be even cooler. But honestly, just give me a house on the beach somwehere in the central western pacific with a 1000 gallon grow tank outside under netting. That's my "retirment" dream! Gonna need some mailing addresses guys...give me a year or two for growing and check the mail!!!

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If we lived in the South Pacific then there wouldn't be a need for a tank at all! You have thousands of miles of coral reefs to explore. I agree though, I would still propagate corals in underwater pvc gardens or use floats anchored to the sea floor and tie coral frags onto the line for them to grow out on. Or use shallow concrete troughs like the do for mariculturing clams! That would be a nice semi-retirement job for sure

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I've been looking into it for a couple years now.

There is a small country or three both over there as well as in the caribean that are now offering "grants" o set up mariculture farms. I have 4 years left untill the daughter goes off to college...I will probably start getting serious at that time.

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I've been looking into it for a couple years now.

There is a small country or three both over there as well as in the caribean that are now offering "grants" o set up mariculture farms. I have 4 years left untill the daughter goes off to college...I will probably start getting serious at that time.

I want in on this!

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I've been looking into it for a couple years now.

There is a small country or three both over there as well as in the caribean that are now offering "grants" o set up mariculture farms. I have 4 years left untill the daughter goes off to college...I will probably start getting serious at that time.

dang, do you have any research documents or links you can share? I would be interested in looking into something like this. ARC can create it's own mariculture operation! We can rotate staff out to live in the island beach bungalow to maintain and care for the facility at different time intervals so no one has to completely give up their life here in the states! hyper.gif

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I've been looking into it for a couple years now.

There is a small country or three both over there as well as in the caribean that are now offering "grants" o set up mariculture farms. I have 4 years left untill the daughter goes off to college...I will probably start getting serious at that time.

dang, do you have any research documents or links you can share? I would be interested in looking into something like this. ARC can create it's own mariculture operation! We can rotate staff out to live in the island beach bungalow to maintain and care for the facility at different time intervals so no one has to completely give up their life here in the states! hyper.gif

I have done 0 actual research. Mainly because I know if I started I wouldn't stop! Belize was one country, but you had to be a resident for 5 years before eligible for the grant.

The other one I saw might have been christmas Island area?

It wasn't much of a grant....like cheap 3 acres, a generator and some concrete. From my limited understanding most of what you're getting is rghts to the reef, but that doesn't mean much because these countries aren't exactly known for thier police work.

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I've been looking into it for a couple years now.

There is a small country or three both over there as well as in the caribean that are now offering "grants" o set up mariculture farms. I have 4 years left untill the daughter goes off to college...I will probably start getting serious at that time.

dang, do you have any research documents or links you can share? I would be interested in looking into something like this. ARC can create it's own mariculture operation! We can rotate staff out to live in the island beach bungalow to maintain and care for the facility at different time intervals so no one has to completely give up their life here in the states! hyper.gif

I have done 0 actual research. Mainly because I know if I started I wouldn't stop! Belize was one country, but you had to be a resident for 5 years before eligible for the grant.

The other one I saw might have been christmas Island area?

It wasn't much of a grant....like cheap 3 acres, a generator and some concrete. From my limited understanding most of what you're getting is rghts to the reef, but that doesn't mean much because these countries aren't exactly known for thier police work.

I'd be more than happy to set up a program like that, especially if I get to write off a Belize beach house that way.

In other news, membership prices will be increasing to $40,000 per year. devil.gif

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Belize has gone up, but it still isn't bad, 1/2 acre on an island is about $50K for beachfront last time I checked.

But, I am looking at Honduras or Panama as they are less populated, cheaper, and not yet inundated with tourists. Even Costa Rica is now americanized!

I lean much more towards the pacific these days! Better Corals anyways!

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