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My new tank is planned to go where my current one is. I should have the metal stand in a few days, once I get the stand I will have some work to do on it, drilling some pilot hole as well as at the least place the top on it. If all goes as planned I'll have the tank, very heavy, in the house next weekend. Between my kids, work, I don't believe there is anyway for me to be "ready" to move livestock out of the current tank and into the new tank by next weekend, I'll have to work on my plumbing etc. So do I...

1. Leave the existing tank alone, bring the new tank in the house and place it in a temporary location until the new stand is ready. Then once the stand is all ready take all the livestock, and live rock out of the current tank, place it in a temporary container with power heads heater, etc. Break down the current tank, move it out of the way, move the new stand and the new tank into place, add as much water as I have left from the current tank, add newly made saltwater, add new live sand (new sand is my plan) setup the sump on the new tank and let it go through the smallish cycle the live sand will need as well a the super cloudy stage that new live sand has, that will likely take a few days to a week, then once that is done start to move live rock, and livestock from temporary container into new tank. The fish, and coral will be in the temporary container for a week probably.


2. Empty current tank now, move livestock/coral, rocks, etc. into temporary container, move the current tank to a temporary location, and re-stock. Then new stand can be put in long term location, and then when the tank shows up it can go right no the new stand. I can take my time setting up the plumbing etc. I can add live sand let it cycle, and get rid of the cloudiness, then when I am ready I can move the rock and livestock from the current tank to the new one.

#2 provides more time to "get it right", but requires that I breakdown and reset up the current tank just to break it down again, putting the fish through some level of stress twice. #1 I only breaks the tank down once, but I do not have as much time to work on the new tank and stand together. The fish and coral will be in the temporary container for a longer period of time.

Why can't I just move my current tank whole from where it it now to across the room, it's only like 1500lbs. noexpression.gif

What would you do, or have another idea? Aside from picking a different location for the new tank, I've thought about that, but that will not really work out.

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why not go ahead and start cycling the sand in a tote or bucket with old water from water changes? Also, before your move do some water changes and stock pile the removed water if possible so you would have it handy for the refill -- I would do this the week before the move and keep a pump in it and topped off and also plan additional water changes the week following the setup. I think there is some club equipment that might help with the move too. Good luck.

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Im w// Juiceman if you can in fact push the tank around on your floors. I know I can on my Pergo flooring but it is slicker than cat poo on a linoleum floor. :) Otherwise why not go w/ number 1 and just foregpo the live sand for dry sand eliminate the mini cycle and move as fast as you want. You can always seed a cup or two of old sand but that is usually not even needed to make it live in time.

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#2. You'd drain it and be reusing the same water. Slide it out of the way then take your time with the new tank.

Between kids, work, and a new tank I think it's best to take your time and do it right the first time

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#2 got a lot more appealing over the weekend, "Mr. Smarty Pants" (read Ty) said two words that really peaked my interest.... furniture sliders!!! It still might be a chore getting them under the tank, but that sounds like it will be worth a try.

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#2 got a lot more appealing over the weekend, "Mr. Smarty Pants" (read Ty) said two words that really peaked my interest.... furniture sliders!!! It still might be a chore getting them under the tank, but that sounds like it will be worth a try.

Per a good basketball analogy... I'm more of a volume shooter. I just throw a ton of ideas out there and hope a couple hit their mark. [emoji6]
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#2 got a lot more appealing over the weekend, "Mr. Smarty Pants" (read Ty) said two words that really peaked my interest.... furniture sliders!!! It still might be a chore getting them under the tank, but that sounds like it will be worth a try.

Per a good basketball analogy... I'm more of a volume shooter. I just throw a ton of ideas out there and hope a couple hit their mark. [emoji6]

:) I thought it was a great idea! One of those moment, that you think... WHY THE HECK DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT!

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