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SChrisEV's 185g 60l x 30d x 24h


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You're getting a clown tang! [emoji33]

Actually I picked on up the other day, Thanks Niko's Reef! :). He's pretty small, but I think that will work out well in the long run. He is grazing on the live rock and glass, as well as eating frozen and pellets. I have still not seen him eat from the algae clip yep, but the Yellow is so I expect he will learn my example.

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I quadrupled my water volume!!! Hahaha, but then again my old tank was pretty small

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No matter the initial size, an upgrade just feel good. :)

I supposed those that are wanting to downsizing would say the same. grin.png

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RIP Potters Wrasse! This was a major bummer. Worse is I don't know what happened. He was active, and had a good belly, so I know his hunting was paying off, seemed healthy, was not being bullied by anyone that I saw, great color, etc... then yesterday after the lights were on I looked for him, he was pretty easy to find always swimming about... then I found him. In the hand of one of my cleaner shrimp, the shrimp was doing his job, scavenging and cleaning. The potters wrasse was dead. I ran water tests again (had just done it Saturday, but wanted to be user, and the water parameters where great. Only thing I can com up with is maybe he got stung by my rock flower anemone. He was hunting a lot by the rock it is attached to. And it is a healthy eater with a good sting. thinking maybe he got to close and was stung, got away but then died... this is 100% speculation I have not proof, but I'm not sure that else would have happened. All the other push are doing great. He had some very cool colors. I may try again in the future.

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Sad day! That thing looked so pretty!

Potter's/leopard wrasses are known to not ship well so perhaps something happened during shipping that caused his death down the line. They also have a higher incidences of worms so a good prazipro treatment is always on the books for me with them. I'd be surprised if the flower anemone did it in.

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Had a pretty productive weekend getting things set up still on the new tank. One of the things I needed to do was get my ATO set backup. My original plan was to have the ATO reservoir be a custom container, make of acrylic. I wanted a large container to minimize my refill needs. As I looked at option I found a couple pre-made that were appealing because I just wanted it done. smile.png but they were pretty expensive. Actually buying the material is also pretty pricey for what boils down to be a pretty simple water container.

Some basic goals I had, fit behind my tank, hold 10+ gallons of water, NOT LEAK, easy to fill, clean and allow me to have my intake hose, as well as float switch and wire to apex in the container and still be pretty well sealed from dust, pet hair etc. from getting in the container. Oh and not cost an arm and a leg.

I was at one of the local pest stores this weekend getting misc. items for my dog, and what did I find... a GREAT container for my needs! Due to the size of the opening I have to work with in my stand set up I was not able to meet one of my goals (10+ gallons), but one that is 8 gallons fits well, and all of the other criteria are met, so I figured at least for now this is a win. I've provided some pics, but I forgot to get a pic with the lid. The lid fits nice and snug, had an opening (meant as a poor spout) that works very well for my tube, and float switch wire, and also has flap that can open to allow filling with my RI/DI water. I can remove the lid to clean as needed. All for I think $22!

They also have one that is 50 quarts (12.5 gallons) that would have been PERFECT, but the width of the top lip was just a little too large for the opening I had to work with.

Just thought I'd share.


The top is about 10" wide (OD).

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Nice! I used a similar pet food container for my skimmate locker and went with a larger dog food container that had wheels for my ATO container (~12 gallons). I just drilled a tap in the back and put in a manual float valve and presto... done.

I haven't gotten around to putting electronic float switches connected to my Apex yet to let me know when it's empty but that'll be down the line.

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The first few days were a bit rough on my blue spot, he could not find a home, found him in the overflow area twice, and once.... he made it to the sump, frag area via my overflow.... I have no idea how, there were some sizable obstetrical to do so. But somehow we did. It's been three days now and he seems to be building his "fortress" up a bit. And he's in a great place, easy to feed, and right up front to watch. I hope he stays!


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  • 2 months later...
  • 9 months later...

Over a year since my last post on this.... I am a little tardy. smile.png The crazy part, I don't really have much to report with changes to the aquarium. I'm still not keeping many coral, that is 100% my "fault" I have not given the tank the focus that is needs, not that I've lost interest, just too many other things have been more.... interesting. smile.png Or just needing my time (work). Still have not finished the tank "wrap". What I have right now is pretty much a fish tank. smile.png With some nice (read large) anemones, both Sherman RBTA (2) and .... um... rainbow (was that the name) BTA (3). That said I still love just sitting and watching the tank, as time allows. I've made minimal effort toward keeping some LPS and SPS, but again have not made keeping parameters in the right range and stable a high enough priority in life. I even have 95% of that I need for a CaRX so that would do a good bit of the work for me, it's that pesky last 5%. LOL But I have some very nice looking fish. grin.png

So.... am I now jumping on for help to get motivated to "make it happen".... well, no, or maybe yes, but from a different perspective. While this last chapter in my life was a pretty short one, I am working on my next chapter in life. In a little over a handful of months I will be moving AGAIN. doh.gif I'm having a house built, not a custom, but I've picked a plan that mostly fits my family needs, the builder has been willing to make some alterations to the plan that make it fit perfectly, part of that is building in a small-ish (8' x 5') sump room! I'll be using the study that shares a wall with the garage as the aquarium room, and on the other side of the wall, in the 3rd bay garage I'm having them build a room that I'll use for the sump, and other equipment! I'm very stoked about this!!! rock.gifpunk.gif

Now I need to start to plan, never had a sump room, or even a sump that was not directly under my aquarium, so all sorts of new challenges to figure out! I'm not sure if I should start a new thread, or continue with this one. To be 100% honest.... I'm not even sure I'll keep my existing tank. The wall the aquarium will be on is like 13' long.... a 5' tank, might look toooo small?devil.gif or maybe I keep it, and add a second 5' tank for the fish reefers always want but can't keep with coral... With buying a house I'll be on a budget, but if you have some cool ideas lets hear them!

I do want to mention that Ty The coral Farmer, realtor, and all around good guy, is once again in my corner with the new house purchase. Thanks TY!!! If you are looking to list, or buy, Ty is your guy! He helped my buy my last house and it was a great experience!

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Yes, I did leave out some details, I will have water supply, and an in-wall drain, read pre-plumbed for a sink. But they rejected putting a drain in the floor. There would not be enough slop or some such thing. I expect if I pushed and was willing to pay I could make that happen, but I figured I can use the drain in the wall, and just have to keep the floor dry like any "normal" set up. I think I will actually have a sink outside the sump room, just mostly because it is not a large room, I can still use the plumbing as a water source in the room if I decide I want it, and I will likely have my water making station outside as well, again to same room. But all of this is still not set. Was thinking I'll run tubing through the wall for top off etc.

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Hey, I think I recognize that screen name? You're alive? grin.png

Yeah, 13' long wall, it's time for mega tank SChrisEV. You got the dream house, let's make it a dream tank too! Unless you're picking up Jimbo's tank and filling that space with two tanks, then I will allow that and gift you with the honor of my presence from time to time to stare at the tanks. whistle.gif If it's only the 5' tank there, I will boycott your place sir. poke.gif

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Yeah, I love the frame, super strong, and a ton of open space inside!

Very unfortunately the blue spot did not make it. He was doing well for a while, then as time went of, instead of getting more comfortable, he seems to become less, and I really needed to try and spot feed him, that worked for a bit, then when he decided the baster I was using to feed him with was too scary hmm.png so he'd hide as feeding time. The other tank mates don't mess around with food, so if you aren't out there to eat.... and he just disappeared.

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Hey, I think I recognize that screen name? You're alive? grin.png

Yeah, 13' long wall, it's time for mega tank SChrisEV. You got the dream house, let's make it a dream tank too! Unless you're picking up Jimbo's tank and filling that space with two tanks, then I will allow that and gift you with the honor of my presence from time to time to stare at the tanks. whistle.gif If it's only the 5' tank there, I will boycott your place sir. poke.gif

Well I'm 100% on board with the idea of the dream tank... just need to see how (or maybe WHEN) I can make that happen. :)

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Hey, I think I recognize that screen name? You're alive? grin.png

Yeah, 13' long wall, it's time for mega tank SChrisEV. You got the dream house, let's make it a dream tank too! Unless you're picking up Jimbo's tank and filling that space with two tanks, then I will allow that and gift you with the honor of my presence from time to time to stare at the tanks. whistle.gif If it's only the 5' tank there, I will boycott your place sir. poke.gif

Well I'm 100% on board with the idea of the dream tank... just need to see how (or maybe WHEN) I can make that happen. :)
You have 6-8 months sir. Let's start looking!
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