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Clownfish with cloudy eye/eyes!


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My clownfish has a milky eye and the other eyes seems to be turning white. It is almost like a film over the eye. My other clown is fine. I read that a freshwater dip might help. If I do this how long should I do it for?

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If it is a cloudy eye, it could be from an injury. If both eyes are cloudy, I would suspect a bacterial infection. Freshwater dips are not very effective if it's bacterial in nature. Freshwater dips are typically good for external/gill flukes or temporary relief from marine velvet (trust me, I know that one on a personal level).

For bacterial infections, I typically use Furan 2 as it is a wide spectrum antibiotic. It will treat both gram positive and gram negative bacterial infections.

Going to the root of the problem, fish will typically get bacterial infections due to substandard water quality. While I know nothing of your system, I would suspect that increased water changes may help. Also, nutrition is also important and you may want to review what you are feeding your fish and make sure it is adequate, nutrionally.

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I think it scratched its eye. one eye is swollen and white and the other has a small scratch on it. My tank is nearly 4 months old and should be fully cycled my tests came out 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and 5 nitrates. The other clown is doing fine with no cloudy eyes.

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Yeah, It is just one eye on that fish that is cloudy, It seems like there was still some agression between them.

You say this as though you expect it to subside? If you have 2 female clowns in a 60 you've essentailly given one a death sentence. Best to take her out and return to LFS.

Also, FYI a 4 month old tank may be "cycled" but it is stil very young in it's maturity and will continue to go through minicycles for at least the next 6-8 months; thus your nitrate is >0. No, it's not enough to be concernd about, but you should know that each time you add a single fish it will take at least a week or two to "re-cycle".

While there isn't a lot of litterature I've been able to find on "good" water quality as it relates to stress levels, have a conversation with anyone experienced and you will start to hear stories of stress or weakened fish from causes like too high PO4, too high Ni, N, or even too low PO4. Is it conclusive? not at all! is it valid? absolutly! Add livestock slowly, QT everything, and don't think for a second you're going to be the one person that gets an exception to the rules (like a powder blue getting along with a brown) and you'll find more succsess. <---- lessons learned the hard way!

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One is bigger than the other that is the one with the cloudy eye. All agression has ended, it seems that they have paired. I dont know if it will heal, but I at least know it is not a disease. Hopefully it does not happend again. I also got them out of different aquariums at the LFS. There was only agression for about 4 days that is when its eye turned white.

Yeah, It is just one eye on that fish that is cloudy, It seems like there was still some agression between them.

You say this as though you expect it to subside? If you have 2 female clowns in a 60 you've essentailly given one a death sentence. Best to take her out and return to LFS.

Also, FYI a 4 month old tank may be "cycled" but it is stil very young in it's maturity and will continue to go through minicycles for at least the next 6-8 months; thus your nitrate is >0. No, it's not enough to be concernd about, but you should know that each time you add a single fish it will take at least a week or two to "re-cycle".

While there isn't a lot of litterature I've been able to find on "good" water quality as it relates to stress levels, have a conversation with anyone experienced and you will start to hear stories of stress or weakened fish from causes like too high PO4, too high Ni, N, or even too low PO4. Is it conclusive? not at all! is it valid? absolutly! Add livestock slowly, QT everything, and don't think for a second you're going to be the one person that gets an exception to the rules (like a powder blue getting along with a brown) and you'll find more succsess. <---- lessons learned the hard way!

Edited by Kidwithatank
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