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Proposed sale thread rule

Nano Reefer Ky

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As a sale thread browsing hobbyist I would like to propose a new sale forum rule.

Once you have sold all the items in your post, you will update the original post to say "SOLD" at the very top.

This will keep people from having to read every post to make sure the coral is still available. It will still allow all the original information in the thread to stay intact but will help us "browsers" be more efficient in our browsing.

Thank you ARC. You are all beautiful people, unless you are one of those people who will purposely speed up when I put my blinker on to block me from changing lanes. You are not even remotely attractive.

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I believe that IS one of the suggested rules of selling on this forum... just most don't abide by it or forget to do it... or most often is the case, have no idea how to do it.

Just in case, for those that don't know how to do it, just click the edit post button on your very first post of the thread, click on "use full editor", and then scroll up until you see the original post title and add SOLD to the end of it.

If it's too much trouble, then just keep looking for ReeferKy to block in traffic from changing lanes as an alternative and we'll call it all good. It helps if you post your vehicle description on here. [emoji12]

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