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What's my wrasse doin


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Came home from dinner and there is sand everywhere and my wrasse is bein kinda crazy. Every minute or two it just freaks out and flops in the sand. Hard to tell from video but it's makin the water cloudy and my new corals mad lol. He does it at the very end of the video

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I would have wrote an irritated anal orifice to sound smart Jose. [emoji4]

But my official diagnosis would be territorially fighting with his own reflection... though it's hard to tell with the sides missing in the video and that awful background music. [emoji16]

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I would have wrote an irritated anal orifice to sound smart Jose. [emoji4]

But my official diagnosis would be territorially fighting with his own reflection... though it's hard to tell with the sides missing in the video and that awful background music. [emoji16]

I don't think anyone would've bought it.

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My guess is it saw something in the sand and went after it. Fish do not see their reflections on the inside, they can see out as well as we can see in.

Actually, about 5% of light is reflected from a glass sheet. The reason we normally don't see our reflection in the tank glass (and for the same reason the fish doesn't usually see it's own reflection) is because of the amount of transmitted light (or refracted light) overwhelms the reflected light.

But when you remove the amount of transmitted light from the other side of the glass, you can then make out the reflected light. Hence, when the room is dark, the fish aren't overwhelmed by transmitted light anymore from the room and can see their own reflections in the glass. Very much in the same way you can see your reflection in the glass when the room is lit but the tank is dark. Even better examples are when you can't see into an office building during the day but you can at night when they have a light on inside. Yay physics!

This might debunk my fighting with the mirror theory though. Really, the fish is probably just in love with itself. wave.gif


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Actually, about 5% of light is reflected from a glass sheet. The reason we normally don't see our reflection in the tank glass (and for the same reason the fish doesn't usually see it's own reflection) is because of the amount of transmitted light (or refracted light) overwhelms the reflected light.

But when you remove the amount of transmitted light from the other side of the glass, you can then make out the reflected light. Hence, when the room is dark, the fish aren't overwhelmed by transmitted light anymore from the room and can see their own reflections in the glass. Very much in the same way you can see your reflection in the glass when the room is lit but the tank is dark. Even better examples are when you can't see into an office building during the day but you can at night when they have a light on inside. Yay physics!

This might debunk my fighting with the mirror theory though. Really, the fish is probably just in love with itself. wave.gif


Let me go take a video, see what a 5% ghost reflection under water looks like.


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good thing we don't have to watch that fish scratch it's butt!


Here's your ghost image Ty

Interesting point about mirrors. From what I've seen fish are pretty smart, there may be some stupid ones out there that might be fooled by the poor reflection from the glass but I'm thinking they wouldn't have survived long enough to get caught.

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If I was a hand with a camera in it, I'd be fighting that 5% reflection Tim for territorial and reproductive rights. [emoji24]

Here's an interesting thought, maybe we have all the dumb fish? And the smart ones are still in the ocean? [emoji6]

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