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Dan and Meg's 240 Gallon Long

Dan H

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The regulator is made by Aquatek: http://smile.amazon.com/dp/B008TRUI62

I have a T fitting on my return pump that is feeding the CaRX. The pH is controlled by apex/solenoid, but I also did dial the needle down so that it takes about a day to actually bring the pH down from 6.7 to 6.5. I also have the apex programmed to alert me if the pH goes below 6.45 or above 6.75. I figure this should let me know if the regulator/solenoid fails somehow, or if the CO2 bottle runs out.


It's not in any of the pictures, but I also added a oxygenation box on the effluent return. Basically, I took a little tupperware container, poked 3 holes in it, 2 in 1 out. I ran the effluent in and put in an airstone on the first 2 holes. Then I put an output hose that returns that water back to the tank in the 3rd. This just helps bring the pH back up a bit before it actually gets to the tank. If you want a picture of it let me know and I can take a shot when I get home. I'm not sure it really does much of anything, but it makes me feel better.

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Awesome set up. I have a question about your BML lights. How do you like the 20..K lights? Now that you have them would you have done the lighting any different? I too like the shimmer of the Kessels and will need some addtional lighting for my tank. Responding to your question about the grande skimmer on my welcome thread... The opening in the corner of that wall is 5'X5'x3'. The tank will not be quite that tall but should come out somewhere around 600 gal. Best wishes a on getting rid of those pesky things in your tank.

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Thanks! I like the 20k lights. They help make it look more "real" than just the blue from the Kessils. I'm not sure I would have done much different, perhaps just go all Kessils and put 8 over the tank? I really like the Kessils.

600! Nice! Can't wait to see that sucker get installed.

Hopefully we're over the hump on the annoying things that keep going wrong. I feel like I shouldn't talk about it because I'll just jinx myself.

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Well it looks like the Scott's Wrasse injured his face. I think he may have run into the wall of the tank at full speed. Always something going on in there.

In positive news I think the Labouti is going to behave. He sometimes harasses the other fish immediately after feeding but otherwise is behaving OK.

The firefish were really unhappy with the addition of the Wrasses and hid for over a week. They seem to have finally realized the Wrasses aren't going to eat them and they are out and about now.




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The tank was looking nice today, very peaceful. I thought I should document this moment. There's a lot of pictures, I hope you enjoy.


And just because it was a cool spider...


I have some video I'm going to cut together in a bit... Stay tuned.

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I've had the shortcake for a few months now. It's been slowly coloring up more and more. It really likes super high light and flow.

Here is my ultra awesome oxygenator 2000.


Patent pending.

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Busy day! Started off catching the 6 line Wrasse (thank you Mike and Ty) by using the mystery wrasse as bait. Got the Coral Imports order and acclimated the new Chevron Tang to the qt tank.



Got to schmooze with some of y'all who jumped in on the order... Always fun. Ran over to RCA for the first Friday sale, picked up some snails and hermits for the frag tank. Then Meg and I had a frag marathon and made about 85 frags from 3 large maricultured mother colonies. Took us about 3 hours and we just finished. WHEW!





Turned into this:



It will be a few weeks before they are healed up and ready to go, but if you're looking for a nice acro or 3, I know a guy that can hook you up. ;)

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Some updates... You may have seen in another thread we managed to catch the mantis in the main tank, so we are officially mantis free (as far as we know). Frag setup seems to be working well, and the SPS frags seem happy. Our largest Anthia is starting to really turn male. It was almost overnight that he started to dramatically change color.


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