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Dan and Meg's 240 Gallon Long

Dan H

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Only after you read page for page of "talkalotTy" build thread. Then you chug a beer buy some coral and your in.

And your gonna need at LEAST one beer after you read all 80 pages of gibber gabber.

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Well, if it's like college, I'll just skim the 80 pages while drinking beer and then wait, what was the last part?

That's nice to know that my build thread that's so near and dear to me is a form of hazing now! [emoji27]

Actually, a beer would be appropriate while reading... a lot of hilarity ensues... high salinity, high nitrates, 20 fish, no fish... etc.

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Well, if it's like college, I'll just skim the 80 pages while drinking beer and then wait, what was the last part?

That's nice to know that my build thread that's so near and dear to me is a form of hazing now! [emoji27]

Actually, a beer would be appropriate while reading... a lot of hilarity ensues... high salinity, high nitrates, 20 fish, no fish... etc.

I'm not sure I can commit to 80+ pages of reading if I haven't even met you. ;) I'd feel like I know you way too well. Actually I've skimmed most of it already, and that still took over an hour. I hope you know I'll have to invite myself over sometime to check it out in person.

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You'll regret it... I'm like that pesky cousin that never goes away. I'm pretty sure ARC as a whole cringes everytime I post.

I'll take the company anytime. I work from home most days. Though I have to preface it with I have cyano/algae out the wazoo right now because I didn't realize my DI was spent and I'm missing half my fish population due to marine velvet... but you'd already know that if you did your required reading already. There will be a quiz when you arrive.

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While poking around last night, Meg thought she saw something in the sump. We looked around closer today and found a tiny little mantis shrimp. The good news is it's in the sump, so we could easily remove him, but honestly, he's kinda cool so we might leave him for a while at least. I'll try to get some pictures of him, might be difficult.

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While poking around last night, Meg thought she saw something in the sump. We looked around closer today and found a tiny little mantis shrimp. The good news is it's in the sump, so we could easily remove him, but honestly, he's kinda cool so we might leave him for a while at least. I'll try to get some pictures of him, might be difficult.

Jackpot! I can't very well take him, but I hope you decide to keep it since it's in the sump already, it won't pose any threats to anything, has character, and may develop some fantastic colors. I'd just consider that chamber of the sump a little mantis shrimp tank.

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Ha. We'll see if he behaves. I'll get the big camera and see if I can't somehow get a picture of him. He's pretty cool looking, but really skiddish.

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Not that nice... Nikon D5200, Sigma 1.4:6.3 50-500 for birds, and the factory lens for everything else. We're talking about getting a macro lens now that we have the tank going.

We found another Mantis! This one is really pretty, a nice blue color. I banished him to the sump as well so well see if he behaves.

Pictures and videos to come. Been too busy at work to get any tank stuff done the past few days. Got 45 lbs of Fiji pukani live rock coming in tomorrow. Will take pictures.

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Short video of the blue Mantis. I'll upload the better videos tomorrow.

Also, I bought a 1000mW 445nm laser to go aiptasia hunting. It's surprisingly effective, not to mention awesome. I mean it's a fricken laser! If any of y'all needed some dead aiptasia, let me know. I may be willing to come blast them. Because I'm nice, not because its fun, nor do I gain any pleasure destroying aiptasia... With a laser. [emoji41]

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You just leave the rock right were it is and shoot the laser into the tank through the glass/acrylic. It's pretty awesome. I'll make a video showing it as soon as we find another aiptasia to kill.

PLEASE NOTE: The laser is insanely powerful and if you decide to buy one, be extremely careful. It WILL blind you if it hits your eye, and can cause serious burns if it hits your skin! Even when it reflects off something it still keeps all of it's power and can injure you, burn something, or possibly start a fire. Everyone in the room MUST wear special eye protection! We even take our dog out of the room just to keep him safe. Basically, it's not a toy and it needs to be kept safe and away from kids. Treat it like a firearm. You should never leave it "loaded" - i.e. with the batteries in it. It could accidentally turn on and start a fire. Granted it's not going to kill anyone, but it's still dangerous.

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