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How do I get rid of Diatoms?


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My tank cycled about a month ago, but I got lights about a 2 weeks ago. I run them 8 hours a day. The other day, diatoms started popping up on the rocks. Today, I noticed some on the sand bed. What can I do to get rid of them? I have 4 emerald crabs, a brittle star, a peppermint shrimp, and a cleaner shrimp. Should I add a snail?


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Normal part of the cycle. I wouldn't worry about it. Every tank gets diatoms to some degree. Increasing flow will ensure they get sucked into your filtration and don't settle. Brittle Stars are known to eat diatoms and it doesn't sound like you have much in the tank for him to eat other than that. You can also suck them out of the tank with a siphon.

IMO your clean up crew is too large already and I wouldn't add more. Peppermint and Cleaner Shrimp are both hunters and are not considered a part of a clean up crew. They will scavenge but don't expect them to do anything noticeable. Emerald Crabs will scavenge whatever they can find if they have to. Most people don't get them unless they have an algae problem. They have been known to attack fish and other inverts when they get hungry, so if you see damage then start to catch them.

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Yeah I'm dealing with diatoms at the moment as well... My tank is about 4-5 months old. I noticed a new diatom bloom when I added mud to my sump. Nice late introduction of silicates :-) I may have to go grab a conch to gobble them up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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