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Triton Results Analyzed


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Good points fellas. Let's see if they follow suit with perhaps different standards and also intervals between the sample submittals. I'll work with what I got for now.

That's pretty lowly business practices but maybe that's the norm in Germany? Not saying that Germany has lowly business practices but perhaps there are different business norms over there that we may see as hostile here.

They have an american arm which is probably doing the suing. Hopefully they fold when they realize that the authors go out of their way to stick to facts and that even threatening legal action against facts is poor form.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry. I'm just naturally sarcastic and I was being so then.

But I actually use the Triton method to monitor annual trends of my parameters. In light of additional information into the ICP analytical process, it appears that though the accuracy of the results are in question for some of the analytes, the precision is close enough for me at least to warrant it for monitoring annual parameter trends.

I've even used a correction factor for some of the results using Reefs.com analytical results of their study.

Do I put any stock into the numbers to do anything to my tank? No. Do I feel like useful information can be gleaned from the results? Yes. At least enough for me to warrant the cost. I would feel more comfortable if Reefs.com did an additional study where they submitted samples through varying days as well to account for daily calibration drifts but I'll take what useful info I can take for now... with an asterisk in my mind at least.

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I fainted when I read 175 for 20kg. I'm in the wrong business.

I mean seriously I can see some knucklehead trying to quantify the cost of the CaRx he is selling by the amount of triton media in it.

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