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Tube Anenome Got My Damsel??


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So Friday eve I was picking up some snails and found a cool rock with a couple of shrooms and Dragons Breath on it, had to have it. However, once it was in the tank I also noticed it had a Tube Anemone and thought how cool. Then Sat Morning found my Damsel on the floor of the tank gasping for air and center of his body turning pale white. Died within the hour.

After researching the Tube Anemone, I found he can eat and sting small fish. Which is where I'm leaning, no ammonia, nitrite or nitrate and the clams are doing fine so not sure what else may have caused his sudden outbreak. Has anyone had any experience with these guys? All opinions here are welcome. Not sure what to do next, am I missing something? I have read people have had these with fish and never had a problem. To be honest, it's cool watching him eat. Thanks in advance.

BTW 30 gallon tank

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I'd be surprised if it killed the damsel. They get much worse reputations than they deserve.

My wife has a species specific tank with 3 tube nems in it. She was thinking about adding one small fish and after doing some research she found that they do in fact have a bad rep for killing fish. To test the waters we put a small sgt major damsel in the tank. After swimming through two of the nems it went belly up and started extreme rapid breathing. 20 minute later it was dead as a door knob. These nems can definitely kill fish.

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