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The Wardlaw 120 - Version 2.0


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Things are coming along. A lot of what I've added is very easy but I'm going for the mixed reef look. I have added a few sps and the large green mariculture has actually been in and seems to be growing for going on 3 weeks now. My generous mentor gave me a couple of testers and I glued them last night. You can see them in the pics with full PE. they are the two birdsnest, the Jeremy ' digi, and the purple poci

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Well better late than never.

Salinity 1.023. Will be raising

Alk 7.896

Cal 469

Phos .25 obviously high

Ty's tester corals

Birdsnest skin sloughing off

Style pretty good

Jeremy digi rtn

Mariculture I got from dome about a month ago hanging strong

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I've kept with close to weekly 5 gallon wc

Most things look pretty good. My skimmer had a clog in the airline and I'm having trouble recalibrating and I think this is the reason for the high phosphate. I also fed really heavy 30 minutes before I tested. I've been changing gfo every two or three weeks.

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Yowzers! That is some high phosphates! I'm sure you might be able to acclimate some corals to it, like your mariculture. The one's that died coming from my system probably died of the spike in phosphate levels from my tank to yours.

Once you get the skimmer dialed back in, I'm sure it'll help lower your phosphates along with changing out the GFO.

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Well, to have algae, you need more than just phosphate... so perhaps you are limited in something else in your system... like carbon or iron.

Corals will adapt... so even if your phosphate is higher right now, some have adapted to it. It makes it a tad bit harsher on new additions probably, depending what environment they are coming from... but it doesn't mean instant death to your current corals.

There is also the possibility that phosphate is leaching out of the rocks currently. At your consumption rate of GFO, and the amount you say you're feeding, it might be a possibility. The skimmer being not at 100% for a bit definitely can add to that.

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f344e4748bbe2b91928c8cddd8feb51a.jpg added this beauty and she's doing great!!! Thanks Ty. Now to purchase the wife a pair of black "butt-wiggling" clowns as she calls them. Anybody have a pair of designer black bodies? Snowflake or buckshot. Something different?
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That's the real reason behind the mentor program, peddling corals to my mentees! [emoji6]

I'd throw a new thread out in the WTB section since people can't post to your mentor thread.

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