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The Wardlaw 120 - Version 2.0


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Yes, but now I'm feeling like just do 15 ml of muriatic acid and hopefully that gets us down to somewhere in the 6-7 dKh range for the new water and then two more water changes should do it.

I'm surprised your Ca and Mg jumped that much with just one water change... more so your Ca. That Red Sea pro coral salt is I guess just supersaturated with the foundation elements.

Well I guess we may not need to dose the Ca and Mg elements individually at all at this time. That's great that you have them individually to dose now as you will need to tweak over time once you go the CaRX route down the line.

How are the remainder of the corals looking? Fish?

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Gsp is coming back with a vengeance. Devils hand now has polyp extension, Texas trash palys look like no crash ever happened, one purple people eater polyp is emerging, a few other "trash palys" are looking lively, and a small batch of zoas are gaining skirts and color.

All fish seem fine although there has been the few ichish spots on the butterfly and the powder brown....they always have small flare ups though and I'm not worried everyone is eating and the clowns had a clutch of eggs again

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Awesome! I'm sure it's been exciting to see the tank rebound some!

Let's get that alk in line and start stuffing some tester SPS in there to test it out. Then we'll start talking about the fun expensive stuff like CaRX's and other reactors! Woohoo!

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Totally forgot to mention that I placed a $5 red cap Monti in just to watch what would happen through the transition. It is on the sand bed now and has decent polyp extension. ... filters were changed in rodi and water is being made with the loads of salt first method

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What an eventful Monday morning this has been already. I knew I was going to have to add to the ATO due to my laziness on Sunday. I also figured I would have to empty the skimmer cup. I did not prepare for my dual media reactor to have no tumble in either chamber. When I took it apart and out it back together voila tumble returns. Side effect? I dropped the pump for the reactor in a fashion that disconnected one of my return pumps.......the sump begins to fill. I wasn't too worried as I know it is large enough to handle the water that comes from the display before all siphons are broken. The real problem is my plumbing. This has never happened before, and after a good ten minutes ( all around 5:15am) I got everything back in order....not before dumping at least a gallon of water on the floor when knocked the hose and caused a leak on the reactors.


I plumbed my dual return pumps to work against one another

I do not have a good way to remove and return the pumps

I want to completely redo the plumbing

another water change is scheduled for tonight (I even cooked enough Sunday night so that I would not make it an excuse.....is there a problem when your SW habit is causing changes in your meal planning?)

I will post results

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Oh jeez! Nothing like waking up to a self-initiated catastrophe to start the week off!

At least this gives you an excuse to finally get the return plumbing the way you want it. I'm always looking for the bright side!

At least it's only affecting meal schedule... the bigger concern is if it ever creeps into your sleep schedule!

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I did fail to mention that sleep was affected by the ebay auction Matt was having. I had to pause my tv programming in order to place full attention on the final second bidders. I scored a ricordea for under 13 bucks and some zoas for under 9 bucks.

Once bidding was over and tv resumed, I did not get off to bed until after 11:30 (not good for someone who usually falls asleep on the couch before 9:30)

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Oh no! You're showing early symptoms of advanced reefing disease... loss of sleep and abnormal eating regiment.

I'd start up a QT immediately in the backyard... usually I aim to QT the affected individual with non-reef-related friends for an evening that can joke about and discuss things that aren't calcium reactors, alk levels, and funny fish stories. Physical symptoms include salty skin, flattened noses from being pressed against the tank glass for long periods of time, and traces of 2-part epoxy/super glue on their hands.

I also administer about a minimum of 24 fl oz of saccharifived starch and the fermented sugar end product... typically mixed with hops and stored in glass bottles, aluminum cans, or in large volume containers known as kegs.

The addition of high protein based foods such as ribs, brisket, and steak during this QT period is critical to ensure the resulting meat coma will aid in subduing the individual as it recovers from the quick onset of advanced reefing disease.

If caught early enough and quarantined appropriately, most individuals can still resume somewhat of a normal life and can be added back into the display.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ph probe, unless he stored it in some type of water or kept it moist, it's trash otherwise. If so, I'd buy a lab-grade probe since this will be keeping your CaRX in line and accuracy is everything as minimal changes to pH will have more drastic changes in effluent concentration.

pH calibration fluid depends on the unit you will be using. Will you be using the Apex to control the CARX or will you be using a separate controller, like a milwaukee pH controller? Apex only requires you to use 7.0 and 10.0 pH solutions to calibrate. For the Milwaukee controller, I believe they use 4.0 and 7.0 calibration solutions. Wherever you order your probe from, pick up some extra of the pH calibration solution (I'd order 4 packets of each pH solution) as you will want to calibrate your probes at least 2x a year as they will drift with time.

Any solenoid will work and you will usually put them in line immediately proceeding the regulator to shut off/on the gas supply. This is your main form of control and the solenoid will either be plugged in directly to a separate pH controller or one of your ports on your Apex if you're using your Apex to control. Then you program the controller to turn on/off based on your pH settings you want to employ. Currently, mine is set for a high of 6.55 and a low of 6.45 to give you an idea. Most media will begin to melt around 6.7-6.8 and the correct pH will depend on your specific tank and flowrate of the reactor.

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If you have the full version Apex, you should have another pH probe port you can utilize, as long as you aren't running ORP on that port already. If you have an Apex Jr, you will have to get the PM1 module to add a 2nd pH probe port.

If the CARX came with a pH controller, if you wanted to save money, you could use that to control the CARX by plugging the solenoid to it and having it monitor and control the CARX pH levels and then just use your Apex to monitor your tank ph levels. While it's ideal to have the whole system controlled together, this is an alternative with less risk. You can just set a pH limit for how low it is allowed to get in your tank with the Apex and have it shut off the feed pump to the reactor when PH level is too depressed. You won't be shutting the solenoid off via the Apex if it malfunctions but you could at least kill the supply water to the reactor rendering it inert to your system.

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Just an FYI for when you are calibrating, but wait until the last minute to open your pH 10.0 solution for calibration as exposure to air will cause the pH levels to slowly decrease in the calibration fluid. Obviously, don't reuse the packets and make sure to rinse your probe in RO/DI water in between the fluids when calibrating and shake off the excess liquid as well. I should clarify, you can use the packets to calibrate both probes but don't reuse after that. This will make more sense when you're actually doing it.

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So I'm a dum-dum. Many months ago when everyone was fighting to get signed up for fusion, I apparently pulled up lame in the race and never followed through. Obviously I was not using the apex for its true intended purpose.

Good news is I updated the firmware successfully and am awaiting an email confirmation for entry into the world of fusion. I pick up my co2 tank tomorrow and a led strip from bml that I had issues with. (Great company and service by the way). I'm really excited about the hobby again and have a long way to go, but progress is being made.

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Man, what I wouldn't give to be in your shoes right now. Things are all going in the right direction and then new toys to play with!

Your tank is going to look ridiculous! Oh, and welcome to the world of Fusion sir! We've been waiting around for you! [emoji6]

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