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12 Egg Omelette's Tank


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Lights: AI Nano with controller

Dawn: 7am 30 min ramp

WH: 0

B: 10

RY: 10

Morning: 9am 60 min ramp

WH: 10


RY: 15

Noon: 12pm 120 min ramp (2pm-3pm peak)

WH: 10

B: 25

RY: 25

Evening: 6pm 60 min ramp

WH: 10

B: 20

RY: 20

Dusk: 8pm 30 min ramp

WH: 0

B: 10

RY: 10

Night: 10 pm 5 min ramp lunar lights on

WH: 0

B: 4

RY: 4

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  • 2 weeks later...

After a gracious invite from manny I had my water checked with his far superia testing kit then my API test strip.

Nitrate was 4 ppm

Phosphate was 0

I've been running filter floss, chemi pure elite and purigen.

The plan is going to be to remove the chemi pure and see how that effects the system. Followed by easing the phosphate to 0.3 ppm via phosphate dosing.

If this is sufficient then the purigen will stay. My thinking is that the chemipure binds phosphate.

While the Purigen is for removal of organic compounds before they turn into Ammonia/nitrite/nitrate.

forgot to mention the chemipure is going to be replaced with some carbon that manny tossed my way.

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I hope you mean 0.03 ppm of phosphate and honestly, I wouldn't dose it to that level, I'd just feed your tank more. If everything looks good, I wouldn't chase nutrient levels... you could end up crashing your tank. Okay, enough of the cautions! Sounds like you have it covered!

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I don't think I'm qualified enough to make a true assessment on your tank, as I left the nano world 6 years ago. It seems like Manny and Bpb have been very helpful to you regarding specific advice for your system. I am in unfamiliar territory when it comes to medias such as chemipure or purigen.

I just always throw caution out there with unnaturally raising or lowering any nutrients. I know I experimented with raising phosphates and nitrates in my own system and posted my results and the additives I used to achieve those results but I just caution others to do the same. I was doing it purely for the experimental curiosity and knew there were unknown risks involved. I was in no way condoning others to risk their tanks in the same manner so I just like to caution before doing so as we have no idea the side effects of dosing straight phosphate to a system.

I will say that from the pictures, your tank looks normal and happy. Is the frogspawn the only unhappy resident? Are you getting any nuisance algae growth? What is your water change regiment? How often do you change your media? Is your sponge rinsed every 3-5 days? I always said it was 10x harder for me to run my old nanocube 12 gallon for the 5 years that I ran it than it is to run my 215 gallon. The smaller water volume is much less forgiving of missed water changes or inaccurate dosing. Kudos to all the nano sized tanks for their owner's diligent husbandry practices.

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Oh, if I had to take a wild guess, I'd guess your corals are reacting negatively to too much light or your tank is still new enough that you're getting mini-cycles with the livestock additions and the occasional increase in ammonia/nitrite before it gets processed to nitrate may be ticking things off. Just to emphasize, these are wild guesses. [emoji16]

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Thanks Ty, the frog spawn is unhappy along with some SPS. I did increase my lights by 5% about a week ago and saw a lot of bleaching pretty fast. I lost a birds nest and monti cap. I just lowered the lights again though and it's hard to see if anything has bounced back. My zoa and my richordias seem to be thriving through.

The media purigen is about a month old and the chemipure maybe 2 weeks. The filter floss is changed every other day. With about 1-2 litters changed every 3-4 day with a 1.5 - 2 gallon water change once a week.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here comes the update, about three weeks ago I finally moved from nsw to Aqua vitro salanity. I love it, it's so nice to not have to hope water is in stock and I'm saving a lot too. I also made a switch in the heather that I got from pet I. I'm not using a cobalt neotherm 75 watt heater.

I also changed the lighting to what AI suggested but have it dimmed 30% and things seem very happy corals are not bleaching nor reaching.

I did pick up some awesome coral additions.

Sun Coral

Pink nebula zoa

ASD mystic Zoa

Gold torch coal

Electric blue crab

Porcelain crab


Open brain frag

Blue sponge

Baby blue candy canes

Maroon candy canes

Red digitia

Green Ric

Black and gold shroom (Mia, floated away somewhere in the tank)

Golden Leptastrea

I've also started feeding cyclopeeze, oyster feast, and started using Aqua Fuel.

Omega soul favia

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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