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The mystery of the disappearing chromis


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trans-dimensional portal behind the rocks. Some fish are pretty good at annoying their owners that way. As mentioned above it's almost certainly behavior, the odds of a unknown predator or pathogen taking out 4 fish chromis overnight is pretty slim.

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So they still haven't reappeared... but I did notice my pygmy angel looking rough this morning. So I start looking around and I find my rather large emerald crab eating a dead chromis. I think he's been harassing the fish at night, stressing them out, then eating them. This may all be in my imagination, but I removed him to test my theory.

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I don't think I've ever seen an emerald crab kill something before. In my experience, emerald crabs are grazing herbivores, and opportunistic omnivores when a nice fresh dead fish comes their way. I would say your chromis probably just died from disease, stress, or something else and you just happened to see the emerald eating his lucky discovery. I find that chromis can be a bit delicate when first introducing to a new tank. I tried adding 6 at once one time to a tank and only one ended up surviving. doh.gif

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