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Mystery solved... And Snowflakes


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So I recently found that my Mystery Wrasse has a taste for cleaner shrimp... My long time cleaner was chewed in half last week, so I replaced him. The new shrimp lasted one night, and my wrasse had a bulging belly the next morning.... Lesson learned.

So... I've always had an affinity for snowflake eels after seeing several in the wild. I never had one on my aquarium list because I like shrimp too much. Now that the wrasse has won out over shrimp, I'm thinking of eels again.

I've read several articles on snowflake eel husbandry and compatibility... But I'd love to hear some first-hand experiences. Have you ever kept one?

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Too bad about your cleaner. I kept a snowflake for a while and everything was good to go. I made sure it was well fed and for the longest time it was model tank mate. I finally had to get rid of it because I made some changes in the tank and it became aggressive after that.

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Too bad about your cleaner shrimps. I'm a little worried about mine once my two new wrasses get introduced to the tank.

I've never kept a snowflake eel but I just remember them getting to a good size. They seem to be one of the more peaceful eels in the hobby.

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I have a red coris and green coris wrasse and they have not eaten my shrimp. It might be the fact that both my cleaner and peppermint are like Godzilla size lol. I was considering a mystery wrasse but now I am worried.

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He left my 3" cleaner alone for about a month... The shrimp started hiding (must have been getting picked on)... then that was it. The new one I put in was smaller and was gone straight away.

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My only word of advice on keeping eels is to make sure you have a good closed hood. While snow flakes are not as escape prone as ribbon eels, they still might try to wander. I kept a snowflake from 6 inches long till he was about 1.5 feet long. Randomly one night he decided to leave the tank and try crossing the dining room floor. Made it halfway before he dried out :(

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I have a snowflake eel aka (neel the eel) that's close to 2ft. I heard stories that they would eat my fish but he's such a big baby that he just hides in his holes all day with his head piped out. Word of advise though, I feed with a wand with shrimp. They learn when that whatever u feed them with is put in the tank they think ur feeding them so although people do handed their eels I wouldn't want him to come out when I arrange my corals. Make sure u have plenty hiding places and don't plan on putting anything on ur sanded cause mine went from even to scattered everywhere and ur corals would b barried

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