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Adding fish gut check


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Hey ARC,

I wanted a gut check before I went too far with this idea. I figured since I lost some fish and all fish but one have been removed from the tank. This would be a good time to add additions to my fish population since 1) I'm already QTing all fish and could just add the new fish to the treatments (doing chloroquine phosphate for marine velvet and ich, prazipro for intestinal worms and flukes, and freshwater dip and 2) when I reintroduce the fish, the "territories" start all over again.

Am I crazy to add new fish now?

To add to that, am I even more crazy to want to add a regal angel? I could care less about it nipping LPS and softies but I've grown fond of my clam.

Anyways, just wanted to throw it out there so maybe people can talk some sense into me. Thanks for the time.

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I think the timing works out. I have an imperator angel that doesn't seem interested in anything in the tank, but I have no sps and all of my nems and zoa's failed to survive the tank move so it may be that he just wasn't interested in them before they died off.

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Ok ill be that guy.

But… if all your livestock is removed from your tank to your QT your bio load capacity will lower with the lack of available food bla bla bla. Then when you add your current fish load back to the tank, the bio filtration will have to catch up to its point before the decline. IF you add more its just going to take longer to catch back up and it also depends on your QT time.

Either way you may want to give me a few of your frags… just in case things go south then I can give them back minus a small holding fee hehehe

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Man, good thing I'm used to reading the fine print! wave.gif

Good call on the bacterial decline dshel1217. I will aim to "ghost feed" the DT while all the fish are in QT. Just dump tons of microfoods for the SPS during that time and hopefully it'll equate to some of the bioload of all my fishes. I'm sure the SPS will enjoy it.

Then I buy some more fish and throw it in with the one's being QT'ed. Lastly, I'll drop off frags at dshel's and we're all good! whistle.gif

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It's easy to say yes when you're not the one dropping all of those bills on new livestock.

Regal Angels are notoriously difficult to introduce. They're finicky eaters, shy, and bad shippers. I've seen more than one refuse to eat or be bullied to death. Your best bet is to get one small and introduce him to the tank before your other fish come out of QT.

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I've had two Regal Angels and both were model citizens with all my corals and clams. Now is better than later. Even though you've pulled your fish out of your DT from what I have seen over the years there's a good chance they will remember their old territories. I think you're almost better off adding the new guys first then waiting a week or so to add the others after leaving your tank fallow.

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Still got one fish in there ckyuv. I'm going with the 2-day starve out and then baiting the trap tomorrow. He'll be so desperate that he'll be mine in no time!

I'll buy a peppermint angel if you spot me the money for the first one?

I actually don't think there will be too much territorial fighting going on. My fish have plenty of room to call dibs on a space and any new addition... other than the initial first couple days of chest puffing, have integrated easily with the existing stock. I still like the minimal aquascaping and would like to keep it that way if possible... despite my inability to stop collecting fish and coral.

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