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Clams vs LEDs


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Would there be a difference in focused red photons vs unfocused?

Well, technically individual photon eigenstates have either right or left circular polarization. A photon that is in a superposition of eigenstates can have linear, circular or elliptical polarization. Does that help clear it up?

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My bad, doh.gif lets try this:

To put it simply a red photon is a red photon is a red photon. The difference between a photon of blue light and photon of red light is the photon of blue light has a shorter wavelength which translates to a higher energy level than a photon of red light. But a photon of red light of a specific wavelength from a MH bulb is the same as a photon of red light of the same wavelength from a fluorescent bulb or an LED or the sun for that matter.

Does that stop the eye twitch Bpb? smile.png

It's the darnedest thing, the twitch is gone!! Lol. Respectfully agree.

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Photons are great and all but I have only had good experiences with clams in mature tanks.

I've had three:

The first maxima died in 1.5 months because I bought it way before I knew WTF I was doing.

The second was a Dersa and I think died to lack of nutrient in the tank (5 months) plenty of photons but didn't matter!

The third was a maxima that lasted over a year until I learned why we measure ALK.

I'm waiting until 6 months after my upcomming (in 6 months or so) move to get one for the new set-up; if the wife doesn't buy a puffer first!

On everything else I agree with the above :)

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I read this book as well and it does a fantastic job at teaching you about tropical photosynthetic clams and clam husbandry. I've been keeping maximas under LEDS for 4 years now and they've survived all kinds of water conditions. My clam and my gulf coast hermit crab are the oldest tank inhabitants I have now.

Juiceman keeps a ton of clams and runs only LEDs.

I have a book by James Fatheree on clams that you are more than welcome to borrow. Just PM me if you would like to.

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I read this book as well and it does a fantastic job at teaching you about tropical photosynthetic clams and clam husbandry. I've been keeping maximas under LEDS for 4 years now and they've survived all kinds of water conditions. My clam and my gulf coast hermit crab are the oldest tank inhabitants I have now.

Juiceman keeps a ton of clams and runs only LEDs.

I have a book by James Fatheree on clams that you are more than welcome to borrow. Just PM me if you would like to.

Yeah, Gig'em read it before I even cracked the book open. Go pick his brain on leds and clams.
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I'm also an expert at growing every species of algae under LEDs

That can't be right. I have been told by several reefers that one huge benefit to running LEDs is that algae will not grow under LEDs. Or cyano for that matter

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I'm also an expert at growing every species of algae under LEDs

That can't be right. I have been told by several reefers that one huge benefit to running LEDs is that algae will not grow under LEDs. Or cyano for that matter

Lots and lots of lies. I have much more issues with algae now than I ever did with MH or T5. Not sure if it's directly related to lighting or has something to do with my current system. LEDs are great at growing all kinds of things!

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Lol I know it was hogwash. Just a silly line I was fed by a hobbyist who had zero interest in the real science of things. Back a few years ago when I was getting started and overreacting about new tank cyano. I was told to change to LEDs since algae can't grow under LEDs lol.

Callahan should use that in his terrible advice tueaday column.

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Great timing for this thread. I have had a derasa for over 7 years. Started at 3 inches under 150w metal halides. For the past 2 years it has been under 400w metal halides. Right now it is easily 9 or 10 inches side to side and a foot front to back... and still growing. Next month, I'm making the transition to LEDs. I wasn't too concerned with "can" they survive under LEDs since I've seen a few in this community doing fine, but if it will successfully transition from a long life under MHs to suddenly living under LEDs over night.

In case she doesn't make it, here's a picture of Big Bertha in all her glory.


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