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Potential acro aggression?


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Sunset montipora had a dead spot show up right on top about the size of a polyp or two. Over the week this has happened. Is it possible the acropora 1.5" above it is releasing mesenteric filaments at night feasting on/assaulting the montipora? Last montipora I've added was a couple months ago and have never had any sort of monti pests to my knowlege. I've had this sunset for 6 months and it started as a piece smaller than the dead portion.

No funky parameter stuff outside the temp/ph thing a few weeks ago.

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Not immediately prior to this happening. I have switched to xm10k. Bulbs back on nov 29th. This just started this week. I put back up one of the window screens to reduce the par a touch and will plan to keep it up for the next few months so I'm not changing intensity too often. I think going screen less with these bulbs was a bit much anyway.

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My first thought was lighting also. Just to throw some trivia out there the half life for many of the flourescing and chromo proteins corals make is around 20 days. When parameters change that influences the production of these proteins potentially it can take weeks for a corals appearance to be changed. I'm curious, have the polyps and tissue in the white area actually died or is it just bleached out?

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