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Marine Velvet Treatment


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There's no early bird in this house... only late night owls reside here!

Haven't gone to catch anything yet but I'll probably plan the attack actually tonight when the lights go out. I realized my LED headlamp has red LED lights on it so it's hunting time. I would have done it last night but I was too tired from all the activity yesterday.

I'm pretty sure I saw the cleaner wrasse flip me off from in the tub but he's all good for now.

If I can't catch the rest, I may try the division like you mentioned ol aggie.

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Just got back from Houston. All fish alive and accounted for. Hard to tell with the fish in the tub if the marine velvet has subsided since I only get a top down view but the powder blue looks a little less velvety when I saw him.

Caught one mandarin tonight... the one that looked the worst. It barely put up a fight so I think it's probably too late for that one but it might surprise me and pull through.

Now I have 5 fish to catch...

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I was heading to the fish room to do a final check before I went to bed last night and the flame angel was hanging out in the trap. That's the first I've ever seen him in it. I thought to myself... just give it a quick shot and see if I could catch him. The entire time, the leopard wrasse has been swimming in and out of the fish trap like nothing but I didn't want to catch him yet because he emboldened the flame angel when the leopard went in there.

Lo' and behold, a little food in the fish trap and a couple of tense seconds when the trap door fell but didn't close all the way... and I have the leopard wrasse and the flame angel in QT now. I decided to push my luck and try to net the clownfish and the other mandarin with the ol', cut the lights and stun them with darkness trick. So I killed the lights real quick, flipped on my red LED headlamp, and managed to snatch up the other mandarin and big momma clownfish before their eyes could adjust.

The only fish left is the dartfish. He retreats in his hole with any sign of a net or the lights going out so it's going to have to be the fish trap for him. I'm going to have to starve him for a couple days to get that to work since he has had zero interest in the food in the fish trap.

As for the fish being treated... here's the report:

*powder blue tang*

Getting only slightly better in the treatment. It is still covered in white dusting but it seems a little less now. The tail still appears to be slightly rotted and it's hard to tell if that is getting any better.

*midas blenny*

White dusting appears worse now and he doesn't look like he'll pull through

*mandarin gobies*

The one that looks worse probably won't make it. The other one is starting to get the white dusting on it and looks pretty weak too. They probably both won't make it.

*all other fish*

Besides some light dusting here and there, the rest look like they'll pull through. They just need to keep eating as I hope the chloroquine phosphate doesn't suppress their appetites too much.

I want to try to treat the powder blue with an antibacterial too to see if I can stop the tail fin rot. I'll aim to do that today and also move both mandarins to a tiny 5g nuvo I have that is loaded with pods. That way I can treat them by themselves and also have pods for them to bulk up since the tub is probably empty of pods, minus any that may have came from the live rock I stole from the sump.

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Thanks Jim!

Looks like I have my first true victims:


The powder blue ended up having secondary infections that took him down much quicker than the other fish. The two mandarins health deteriorated very quickly over the last 24hrs as well.

The midas has secondary bacterial infections as well and I'm treating him now but it may be too late for him too.

Otherwise, all other fish look good and healthy and the only one I'm watching closely is my chocolate tang... as he had some white spots but nothing terrible.

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That's so sad :( You definitely gave them your best shot. I hope everyone else recovers! Can you mix the meds for the velvet and an antibiotic? Treat everyone for both?

I'm not really sure. I've just removed the midas blenny and trying that in a 5g nano right now... chloroquine phosphate for the velvet and tetracycline for the bacterial infection.
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That's so sad :( You definitely gave them your best shot. I hope everyone else recovers! Can you mix the meds for the velvet and an antibiotic? Treat everyone for both?

I'm not really sure. I've just removed the midas blenny and trying that in a 5g nano right now... chloroquine phosphate for the velvet and tetracycline for the bacterial infection.

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Some promising news, the midas blenny seems to have taken to the tetracycline and the bacterial growths on its flesh has resided. His eyes look clear again and the only thing wrong with him is he still has an open flesh wound on the side of his face. I am hoping that it will heal with time and will be monitoring it. This is a great improvement from two days ago as he looked like a goner then.

I did a 20% water change in the QT tub and observed the other fish in treatment. All fish are looking pretty good and look like they'll pull through. The chocolate tang looks like it's gotten over the marine velvet but has developed a secondary bacterial infection just like the midas. I will aim to treat him with the tetracycline in hopes of having the same success as the midas blenny.

I am still currently aiming to catch the dartfish and actually holding on to the string right now for the trap.


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