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Ckyuv's 90g


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So when I bought the ssc the frag plug was covered in cyano. I cut it off the plug and put it on a new one after I dipped it. Fast forward to today I have cyano all on my rocks. I use Bayer as a dip for all my corals but I don't think it works on anything other than bugs. I dosed the tank with chemi clean today. while I was at the store buying it I couldn't help but get a frag of rainbow mille. It may not be the best time to add coral but everything is growing really well so im not to worried. After I do the big ol water change to remove the chemi clean I'm going back for a frag of red planet and Hawkins. Hard to get a pic cause the chemi clean makes the tank bubble so much the cam can't focus but this is a pic of the mille


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I'll have to take you up on that! thar one has sentimental value and it's been under kessils for the past couple years so acclimation should be easy lol

Yes, and it's been through some rough transitions and always looks good. Bleached out a bit one time but quickly recovered. It's been pretty bulletproof over the years!

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If my roommates were programmable I would have added grocery shopping and bill paying before dosing :P

So I did my 48 hours of chemi clean and I'm very happy, no cyano and the water seems more clear. I added a protein skimmer (don't tell Tim) as well as carbon and did a 20% water change per the chemi clean directions. The chemi clean sure did make my tank bubbly tho!

Figured I try and see if yall know the names of a couple Zoas I got, I've finally gotten to the point where they are happy and plan to add more multi colored ones like Rastas and fruit loops. Lmk if yall know what either of these two are!



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Yeah but I'm over it is have to super slow play you if I ever want a frag! Just ordered a tyree pink lemonade and an Ora Pearlberry online from captive reefs, the were generous enough to extend a sale for us so I had to take advantage :P

When I set this tank up I had corals that we're loosing color on shaded spots so I added an extra kessil to reduce shading. I'm verry happy with the results both frags I took pictures of before have colored back up and grown quite a bit and don't seem to notice they got moved to a new tank.

Since getting what I thought was cyano and treating it didn't kill it I have added carbon. I have a tlf reactor I hooked up and filled to the brim with carbon I got at petco. They recommended like a cup per 20g or something that seed like a lot and that amount didn't even fit in my reactor so I'm running it till I have time to swing by the dome or rca.

How much carbon do yall use in a reactor? Lots of mixed messages online.



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  • 2 weeks later...

So I recently added blue planet tenius, Crimson nova microlades, rainbow Galaxy spathulada, yellow water ocellata, poison ivy latistella (all from sam) an Ora red planet (from Kim) , tyree pink lemonade and Ora Pearlberry (cultivated reef). I think I'm about out of space. I only plan to add one more sps coral, a Montipora that I will prob get early next week. After that it's sand dwellers and zoa rocks. All the corals are on frag rack or are on the rock and get rotated so they don't encrust till I see how they color up in my tank. I think the rommels watermelon is my favorite so far.





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  • 1 month later...

Been kinda busy at both my jobs lately and it's been over two weeks since I've seen the tank with the lights on. I took off of one of my jobs today to catch up around the house and clean the tank and got a top down viewer. Man the corals look so much better from above! Tested my water and my alk was a little low, riding around 6 but everything seems happy (other than the 1 missing chromis) so I'll slowly raise it by adding time on the Dosers. Didn't wana take too many pics since the tank has a layer of algae and whatever else accumulated over a couple weeks but my red planet is lookin awesome so I might as well post it!



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That's the one! It was a lot more red coming out of her tank and is getting a lot more green in mine. I think I remember in the past if it gets a lot of green its in lower light?

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I'd give it time first as most SPS turn some shade of green while coloring up and acclimating to a new tank. If it's been stable color-wise for awhile, then yes, more green on the red planet means less light... more red means lots of light. I always like to put it somewhere in between low and high light to get the red/green contrasting of color.

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  • 2 months later...

Well that was short lived. Life's been crazy busy, ive kinda been loosing the passion watching my corals not do much. we took down the tank and went and got us a 65gallon Red Sea max 250. It's quiet, contained, and hopefully will be a lot less maintenance. I think the corals will for sure like the t5 lighting a lot better. I think temperature will be the only issue with this tank and if it gets to bad I might swap the t5's out for a pair of radions but i think I'm about done with led if possible. I'll post some pics tomorrow if I make it home before the lights shut off!

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